The sweet life: what happens to your body if you eat chocolate every day?

Chocolate lovers often have a hard time: some say that it is bad for health, others are convinced that without a sweet boost the brain functions slower. Disputes around this delicacy are many. Let’s find out what useful properties chocolate has and whether you can eat it every day.

What kind of chocolate is healthier?

Not any bar of chocolate can be called really useful. The most useful properties have dark chocolate, which consists of at least 65% cocoa and does not contain many additional ingredients.

Milk chocolate, in general, is also suitable, but to a lesser extent, because the most useful ingredient – cocoa – is not so much in it. White chocolate, on the other hand, is hardly a healthy treat: it consists mainly of sugar and oil, while there is very little cocoa powder.


According to research published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition, flavanols – the plant chemicals in cocoa – are actually good for the brain. They protect the areas responsible for memory and attention, as well as mental speed.

Scientists believe that chocolate has a positive effect on brain function through its effects on the heart: it helps maintain normal blood flow, reduces blood clotting and improves blood pressure. This, in turn, increases blood flow to the brain.

Some researchers also believe that flavanols have a direct effect on brain signaling, protecting against cognitive decline.

Heart Help

Most of the fats in dark chocolate are “good” fats: monounsaturated fats and stearic acid. These have a positive effect on heart health. Milk chocolate, on the other hand, may contain additives that cannot be called healthy, such as trans fats. Before buying, it is worth checking the composition to make sure there are no added oils. In quality and “correct” chocolate should not have other than cocoa butter.

Fruit and candy additives increase the caloric value of chocolate and reduce its beneficial properties. Even regular candied fruits increase the sugar level of the treat and are bad for the heart. On the other hand, nuts such as almonds or cashews are good for the heart and, on the contrary, can increase the positive effects.

Recent studies show that regular consumption of chocolate may reduce the risk of cardiometabolic disorders. It is suggested that lovers of this treat have a one-third lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

According to another study, eating chocolate two or more times a week can reduce the risk of calcinosis (the occurrence of calcified formations in the arteries) by 32%. In addition, eating dark chocolate more than 5 times a week reduces the risk of heart disease by 57%.

Is it okay to eat chocolate every day?

Although chocolate can be beneficial in some cases, it doesn’t mean you should replace your breakfast with a sweet bar. It contains a lot of fat (32.5 g per 100 g) and a lot of calories (543 kcal per 100 g). You should eat chocolate in moderation, try to keep an eye on portion sizes and limit yourself to one bar a day.

Fortunately, dark chocolate is so filling that you probably won’t want to exceed the recommended serving size.

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