Top 5 best pectoral muscle exercises for men in the gym from an athlete

Top 5 best pectoral muscle exercises for men in the gym from an athlete

Eduard Kuzminov

Eduard Kuzminov

Top 5 best pectoral muscle exercises

Fighter Eduard Kuzminov thinks they work better than others.

Eduard Kuzminov

Professional fighter of the “Our Cause” league, multiple champion and medalist of Stavropol, SCFD and SFD.

Pectoral muscles can be pumped in quite a few ways, and experts are always arguing about it. Some say that with the help of the basic exercise – the bench press – you can pump up your pecs. Others believe that it is a waste of time and you need to use more sophisticated ways. I am sure that for a good result you should not limit yourself. It’s worth it to try and achieve your goal in every way possible. Here are my top 5 favorite exercises for working out the pecs.

Wyciskanie na ławce

A common and everyone’s favorite. Don’t forget that it can be done with different bench angles and each one pumps a different part of the pectoral muscle.

  • Thehorizontal bench press pumps the core of the pectoral muscles.
  • Thevertical bench press affects the upper part.
  • Thedownward incline bench press is more effective at pumping the lower segments.

Dumbbell side press

It helps to stretch the muscles and thus increase muscle growth. Muscle growth is directly related to the rupture of muscle fibers.


I became familiar with it a long time ago. I noticed that in the gym, people who often devoted time to this exercise had pecs that were an order of magnitude larger than the rest. Therefore, to leave the pullover without attention would simply be a crime. And also this exercise has one amazing property, which is very little mentioned. It stretches the abs.

Push-ups on the bars with arms out to the side.

It also works the pecs well due to the low incline. It allows you to more effectively stretch and work the fibers of the pectoral muscles, which are rarely used in conventional exercises. At the same time, it works the middle of the chest very effectively.

Push-ups from the floor with a wide arm placement

At home is great for everyone, engaging those necessary parts that are needed for competent pumping of the pectoral muscles.

You can also consider and many exercises with exercise equipment. For example: arm curl in a machine (“butterfly”), bench press in a humvee, sit-up bench press in a Smith.

Each exercise will make a definite contribution to pectoral muscle growth. But the five exercises that are described above are the foundation. Everything else should be used as a refinement.

Earlier we told you about the best back exercises for men. Look for them at the link.
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