What causes sweaty feet and how to deal with it?

What causes sweaty feet and how to deal with it?

What causes sweaty feet and how to deal with it?

Such a problem in training is not uncommon, especially in the cold season.

Why do feet sweat? What to do if your feet smell?

We understand together with the therapist.

With the onset of fall, the question of foot odor becomes the most acute. After all, this affliction haunts not only athletes, but also ordinary people who seem to sweat a lot and did not plan to.

Marina Kazakova

practicing physician, pulmonologist, pulmonologist

It is worth distinguishing between general sweating of the whole body and localized sweating of the feet.

What can cause sweaty feet?

To begin with, let’s deal with the causes. Why do legs sweat so actively and what can this indicate?

If active sweating in general is not a permanent feature of your body, and it has only recently started to bother you, you should definitely consult a doctor. Excessive sweating can be an alarm bell – a sign of serious diseases, such as cancer, lymphoma or tuberculosis.

If sweating excessively only feet, it is worth worrying about hormonal health, says the doctor, and visit an endocrinologist. Increased sweating of the legs may be a symptom:

  • peripheral vascular damage;
  • thyroid problems;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • adrenal disease;
  • menopause in women.

However, sweaty feet may have more harmless causes, such as wearing tight shoes or shoes with poor ventilation. And socks made of artificial fabric can lead to a fungal disease. This will be evidenced by a strong odor, especially if the fungus is affected not only the skin, but also the nails.

Do special remedies for shoes help?

In fact, any such remedy is talc in its various manifestations. Talc is an absorbent. It is absolutely harmless, and if with its help you manage to solve the problem of sweating, then go ahead!

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