What happens to your body if you do shoulder bridge every day

The shoulder bridge, or glute bridge as it is otherwise known, has long been on the list of effective basic exercises for home training. It engages several muscle groups simultaneously and in most cases does not require additional equipment. But the shoulder bridge should be approached consciously: knowing the correct technique and, of course, taking into account contraindications. Together with World Class trainer Denis Ermolaev, we will see how this exercise will affect your figure if you do it regularly.

How useful is the shoulder bridge?

Shoulder bridge is more focused on the gluteal muscles and the back of the thigh, and less on the quadriceps muscles of the lower back. Thus, it will strengthen the legs and buttocks and slightly relax the lumbar spine. But here on the improvement of posture should not have high hopes. According to our expert, back problems cannot be solved by exercises alone.

Denis: Posture problems should be treated in a comprehensive way. There is no single healing exercise to solve all issues related to it. Shoulder bridge is good for stabilizing the pelvis, which of course will have a compensatory effect on the posture. But if we are talking about problems in the thoracic region (hyperkyphosis or slouching back), this exercise will not contribute to improving the situation.

Shoulder bridge is often advised to perform girls who dream of an “hourglass” figure. For this type is characterized by voluminous hips, a thin waist and a slightly wider back. The question arises again: can one exercise do the job and lead to the dream body?

Denis: Partly yes, because the volume of the buttocks will grow, visually the lower part of the “clock” will be formed. But for the upper part it is necessary to train the muscles of the back, making it wider.

Who is contraindicated to perform the gluteal bridge?

Even the most seemingly innocuous exercise can lead to unpleasant sensations or, even worse, injuries. In order to avoid them, it is necessary to find out at once whether you can do the gluteal bridge or not. It is contraindicated for people who have:

  • Gastroesophageal reflux – backward progression of stomach contents into the esophagus;
  • acute period of spinal disease: inflammation, herniated discs;
  • problems in the cervical spine.

In the latter case, it is acceptable not to put a cross on the gluteal bridge. But it is necessary to competently adjust the technique of its performance.

Denis: If there are problems in the cervical spine, we put a folded towel or a small roller under it. Or we use the variant “lying on an elevated position”: on a sofa, chair, armchair, bench. And perform the exercise so that the head relative to the body was in a natural position, without strong bends.

Rules that will make the training more effective and safer

Do not neglect warming up

This advice applies to all workouts, whether they are strength training, cardio or stretching. If your muscles are well warmed up, the risk of injury during exercise is significantly reduced.

Follow the correct technique

Every exercise has its own technique of execution, and the shoulder bridge is no exception. By doing it correctly, you will work the right muscle groups, achieve the desired result faster and avoid injury.

Denis: Starting position in gluteal bridge is lying on your back on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, feet turned at an angle of 45 degrees outward, knees aligned with the feet. When performing the exercise, press the heels into the floor and push the pelvis upwards, directing the knees slightly to the side, spread the hips. This will give a greater effect in training the buttocks. You can complicate the technique by lifting one leg up.

Take into account your individual characteristics

When creating a training plan, it is important to take into account a number of individual factors: age, fitness level and the purpose of the exercise. That’s why it’s not a good idea to take on more complicated techniques if you’re just getting familiar with the exercise.

Denis: For beginners I would recommend to perform 3-5 approaches of 20-30 repetitions with support on both legs. For trained – 3-5 sets of 15-20 reps for each leg.

Add additional weight if necessary

If you feel comfortable enough, regularly performing shoulder bridge with your own weight, it is better to connect an additional weight to the exercise. The weight should be placed on the hipbend and held with your hands. This will help to increase the volume in the buttocks.

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