What it is. Cycle, barre, yoga and LES MILLS – find out what this fitness trend is all about

What it is. Cycle, barre, yoga and LES MILLS – find out what this fitness trend is all about

Valeria Barinova

Valeria Barinova

Take the test and try to guess what is behind the trendy names of popular fitness programs.

The number of trends in the modern fitness industry is growing every day. It’s easy to not keep up with them and miss out on something interesting. That’s why we’ve put together a quiz where you can test yourself and quite possibly familiarize yourself with new types of workouts. By the way, you can do it not only in theory, but also in practice – the best trainers will be waiting for you at the Reebok Festival on May 25-26 in Kolomenskoye.

Registration is open and will last until May 22, 23:59 Moscow time. Have time to join!

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