What to cook cheaper than 200 rubles: 3 recipes for healthy dishes

Elena Doronkina

nutrition specialist, founder of the delivery service DanteFruit.com

What useful things can be prepared for 200 rubles?

Proper nutrition does not necessarily require large expenses. You can often hear the opinion that healthy food is expensive. But in fact, even a fast food lunch today can cost more than a home-cooked meal. Today I will tell you about three PP-options with a budget of up to 200 rubles.

In a saucepan over low heat, stew carrots, beets and onions. Add tomato paste and stir. Pour boiling water (about 1 liter), chop cabbage, add it to the same place. Cut chicken fillet into cubes and put it into the pot. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and cook until fully cooked for 50-60 minutes. At the end add salt and pepper. It is desirable to give the dish to insist, then it will be richer and tastier.

Chicken cutlets on steam

Cost of the dish: ~153,4 rubles.

You will need:

  • chicken fillet, chicken breast or minced chicken – 400 g (~120 rubles);
  • onion – 1 piece (~9.2 rubles);
  • carrot – 1 piece (~7.2 rubles);
  • egg – 1 piece (~12.7 rubles);
  • flour – 2 tbsp (~4.3 rubles).

If you have chicken fillet or breast, make minced meat from it. Add finely chopped onion and grated carrots, as well as salt and black pepper. Break an egg into the resulting mixture and pour two tablespoons of flour. Mix everything thoroughly and leave it aside for 30 minutes.

Soak your hands with cool water and form cutlets. Place in a pressure cooker or in a multicooker.
If you have neither: take a deep frying pan, pour water halfway over the cutlets and cover with a lid.

Cook in boiling water for about 20 minutes. When serving, you can chop greens on top, for example, dill or cilantro.

Finely chop the vegetables and braise in a pan. In a separate container, mix oatmeal with egg and milk and pour the mixture into the skillet. Cook over medium heat.

This dish can also be prepared without vegetables by simply mixing oatmeal with egg and milk and pan frying.

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