Wine, tofu and orange juice – vegan or not? Test

Wine, tofu and orange juice – vegan or not? Test

Anastasia Vasilieva

Anastasia Vasilieva

Test: vegan or not?

Everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

Veganism is a person’s life philosophy and lifestyle. People who adhere to veganism strive to exclude from their everyday life all kinds of products in the production of which animals were used in one way or another.

Everyone has their own reasons and motivation. Some people switch to a vegan diet because they want to protect animals. Others consider it more balanced and so show concern for health. And some are convinced that the production of meat, fish and dairy products is bad for the environment, destroying the ozone layer.

It is believed that this type of diet improves emotional well-being, increases longevity, and reduces the risk of metabolic disorders.

Veganism is one of the varieties of vegetarianism, in which there are several variants of diets and, accordingly, a list of allowed and forbidden products. But is it so obvious? Take the quiz to find out.

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