Yulia Engel: the girl who brought the “Japanese miracle” to Russia

Julia Angel is one of those girls who is commonly referred to as a “selfmade woman”. The message of her company is as honest and simple as possible, all business principles are built on the desire to help people live longer and better. Preventive medicine, innovative cosmetology, biohacking – all these fashionable terms fit naturally into the philosophy of Enhel Group.

And if a human being is 60% water, then let it be water enriched with hydrogen.

– They say that everything starts from childhood. What qualities that are important for your work now were laid down back then?

– I was born on the shores of Lake Baikal. And for me from childhood Zen-Buddhist practices were not an empty sound. I was insanely interested in everything connected with Japan. Apparently, there is a destiny after all! From an early age I tried to earn money. We shared all the money we got. And then we spent it on ice cream and other childish pranks. The first rubles came easily, so I wanted to work further, to reach new and new heights. It seems that this is where my workaholism comes from(uśmiech)). Everything else came with time and experience.

– Do you think it is important to tell kids about a healthy lifestyle and instill a love for sports from childhood? Were there any sports in your childhood, and if so, what kind of sports?

– There was a lot of sports in my childhood. Forced. I had weight issues at the time, so I had to try a lot of things: yoga, Pilates, swimming, Cindy Crawford video classes. When I realized that it worked – of course, in combination with proper nutrition – sport began to bring pleasure. Now I can’t live without it. I realize that movement is life. Of course, my case is not typical. But I am sure that every child can explain the value of physical activity and the harm of fast food. By example. Just do everything together and do not deviate from the rules even for a day. Remember – children are copies of us adults!

– How did the story of your brand begin? Was it a well-thought-out plan or just an idea that you realized at your own risk?

– The history of ENHEL Group began with the dream of doing business with the most innovative country in the world. As an expert, I have always been interested in how the “Japanese miracle” came about. After World War II, the life expectancy of Japanese people was 55 years. And now there are 66,000 people in the Land of the Rising Sun who have passed the century mark. It was important for me to understand what was so important in the lives of Japanese people and why they are living longer. And most importantly, how these technologies could be applied in Russia.

– Can you remember your first trip to Japan? What made you like this country so much?

– Japan is an amazing country. And it changed me. The Japanese are very specific partners. They are incredibly reserved and closed. A smile shows politeness, but it doesn’t mean you’re welcome. Well, it’s just that for centuries the Japanese have lived and worked for themselves. No one is in a hurry to share innovations and secrets of longevity with the outside world. But I was able to convince them to give it a try. I promised that we would not radically change anything in the formulas and compositions. Except that we would adjust the products to the European skin type.

– What was the turning point in the negotiations?

– The decisive factor for the Japanese was that we would not skimp on the scientific base. I immediately said that I was ready to conduct large-scale and expensive research. In general, my main goal on every trip to the Land of the Rising Sun is to research all the latest and best technologies. In Japan, I meet the best scientists, visit the most professional laboratories, discover new factories, and decide what I can add to my Enhel Beauty collection.

– What, in your opinion, is the most radical difference between the Japanese and Europeans and Russians in particular?

– I am proud that I am the only Russian who can officially work with the Japanese. Now we work so well together that we don’t even have any translation difficulties. I live in their world, their values. And sometimes I catch myself thinking that I have changed my attitude to many things.
I managed to uncover a few secrets of the main long-livers of the planet. For example, the theory of nutrition, which for his half-century of practice developed gastroenterologist Hiromi Shinya. Its essence is to eat foods rich in enzymes. To put it simply, the fresher the vegetables, fruits and fish on your table, the more enzymes they contain, which help catalyze all life processes in the body.

– What aspects of life do you think are the most important for people living in megacities right now? Many focus on “pumping” productivity, functionality, endurance. What do you think about it?

– There is a beautiful word in Japanese – “genke”. It means “lively person”, “vigorous person”. I am sincerely convinced that the issue of life expectancy is not so acute now. But the issue of quality of life is very important. And together we can make sure that there are as many “genke” in our country as possible! So, I am working to raise the standard of living of my compatriots. Water and cosmetics enriched with hydrogen, useful biologically active additives, unique methods – all this in a complex works for the result. Our clients get healthy and stop the aging process – comfortably and effectively.

– How do you feel about biohacking?

– I support this movement. In fact, biohacking is what I do – now at ENHEL WELLNESS SPA DOME. We are implementing a health monitoring system that is based on deep analysis of vital signs. In principle, it is not a treatment, because it is not pathology that brings the patient to us, but the desire to become better. In essence, it is anti-aging medicine.

– But many people say that it is very expensive and not everyone can afford it.

– Believe me, it does not cost a lot of money, as many opponents of this trend claim. Although, you will have to spend some money. These are numerous and multi-stage consultations with specialists, various tests, examinations. And then – their deciphering. If necessary, you will have to buy medicines, supplements, vitamins, which will have to drink for some time. But this is an investment in yourself, more likely even an investment in the future. This means an opportunity to become slimmer, more energetic, calmer and happier. Moreover, it is an opportunity to lower your biological age. Remember that this is not a one-time procedure, but a way of life. You have to maintain it all the time, otherwise the effect – do not wait!

– You travel a lot, but frequent flights and changes of climate and time zones are not good for your health. How do you cope with it? What helps you to recover?

– I have a very busy schedule: flights, meetings, negotiations, contracts, red carpets and presentations. Of course, such a cycle is exhausting. But I found a way out – simple and effective. I drink water enriched with hydrogen throughout the day. It is a powerful energizer that invigorates, refreshes and maintains the overall tone. Plus hydrogen eye patches, masks and a bath with hydrogen salt. I get an extra dose of this miracle substance in the morning and evening.

During constant flights, I save myself with my products too. I always have a portable bottle with me. Water from it – enriched with molecular hydrogen – helps to keep water balance in the body and neutralizes free radicals from aircraft radiation. To avoid heaviness in my feet – I always wear soft slippers on the flight and glue my cooling beauty sheets on my shins. Enhelbottle only needs to be charged like a cell phone. It’s a very handy and stylish mini hydrogen enrichment device for water. You can use any kind of water! For me, living in two countries, this is very relevant.

It is interesting: water enriched with hydrogen is recognized as the best antioxidant and rejuvenating agent for the cells of the body. As a result, energy is increased, immunity is strengthened, sleep becomes stronger and skin becomes more elastic. You can buy it today in major stores, restaurants and fitness centers.

– What about nutrition? Do you have any rules you stick to?

– I try to eat right. Always, under any circumstances! I start the morning with a glass of hydrogen water. And only after half an hour I have breakfast. The menu includes flax porridge with berries or rye bread with salmon. I try to make breakfast the largest meal of the day, so I have enough energy for the whole day! During the day I prefer fresh vegetables, rice or quinoa. I love fish – grilled dorada, steamed salmon or tuna salad. For dinner I usually have chicken, lean beef, my favorite fish, seafood and stewed vegetables. An hour after the meal I drink green tea, which I bring from Japan, as well as matcha drink – a treasure trove of antioxidants. Remember that beauty is created from within.

– The bright end of last year for you was the opening of Enhel Dome. Tell us about it. Can this product under your leadership be called innovative, what is its fundamental difference from other wellness and spa clubs?

– Yes, we gave our clients a great gift for the New Year. We offered them an endless journey into the harmony of ENHEL WELLNESS 360. At any time of year or day. Our oasis of beauty and health has blossomed in the very center of Moscow. Innovative scientific technologies of body rejuvenation and practices of Oriental medicine are merged here, the unique experience of which was obtained as a result of many years of research and search for the innermost knowledge and ancient methods of rejuvenation of various exotic countries of the East and continental Europe.

I would like to emphasize that all doctors of our House were trained at the Tokyo Anti-age Institute and are certified specialists. We have recently opened a hydrogen museum there. And an absolute hit with us are hydrogen inhalations, where a guest can get in shape in just 20 minutes and reduce oxidative stress many times over.

What is hydrogen inhalation? We are the only ones in Russia practicing this technique. Getting hydrogen with drinking water, in the form of inhalations, hydrogen baths, the body is healed: the aging process is slowed down, there is a positive trend in the treatment of chronic diseases, reduces the toxic effects of drugs, nicotine, alcohol and adverse environmental factors, strengthens immunity, increases the effectiveness of medical drugs and cosmetic procedures, reduces the risk of allergic reactions, improves metabolic processes, which contributes to rapid weight correction.

– What do you think, what besides beauty procedures and treatments can help a person to get in shape or keep his/her body in perfect health?

– I am convinced that beauty and health are inseparable from physical activity. In the Enhel Wellness Spa Dome fitness room, workouts are individually planned on the latest generation of Technogym machines – stylish, modern, easy to use and maximally effective.

Technogym is a leader in the global Wellness industry, since 2000 the official equipment supplier for seven Olympic Games, partner of many sports teams and clubs (Juventus, Milan, Chelsea, Inter, PSG, etc.).

– What motivates you?

– Moving forward is what is important for me personally. In any circumstances, in any weather and in any conditions. Everything I have achieved is the result of my desire to grow and develop. Remember that water does not flow under a lying stone.

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