12 exercises to help take away neck pain. You don’t even have to get out of your chair

12 exercises to help take away neck pain. You won’t even have to get out of your chair

12 exercises to help take away neck pain

These will especially help those who work long hours at a computer.

A sedentary lifestyle, hours at the computer, uncomfortable sleeping positions and lack of exercise. All these factors negatively affect the condition of our spine.

Because of them, clamps and pains can appear – both in the back and in the cervical region. They need to be tracked in time, otherwise the consequences for health can be deplorable.

If you feel painful sensations in the cervical region, special and measured exercises will help to alleviate them. Those who don’t like to exert themselves much, don’t worry – you won’t even have to get up from your chair.

Vladimir Demchenko

doctor of sports medicine and rehabilitation

Today we’ll deal with the complex from cervical osteochondrosis. Exercises will help take away the pain and improve blood flow. For all this complex, it is important to sit up straight.

Look for Vladimir’s exercises and comments in the video below.

You should perform this complex twice a day for a month and every four to five hours after working at the computer for a long time. This will help to overcome painful sensations and feel comfort during the day.

Important! If you have severe neck or back pain, do not experiment with training and immediately consult a doctor.

Did you know that there is a “computer neck syndrome”? Read about what it is and how to get rid of it in this article.
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