4 interesting podcasts about healthy living. They will teach you how to understand nutrition and love yourself

4 interesting podcasts about healthy living. They will teach you how to understand nutrition and love yourself

Ksenia Kukushkina

Ksenia Kukushkina

Motivational podcasts for active healthy eaters

You can study your body in parallel with routine activities.

In the last few years, podcasts have become our faithful assistants during any routine work: we listen to projects that interest us during a long trip, cleaning the house or working out. If you are interested in proper nutrition, good habits and competent workouts, this material is just for you. In this review, we’ve gathered the best podcasts about HEA for self-motivation and inspiration.


The podcast “Kuprum” tells about a healthy lifestyle from a scientific point of view. The authors of the project are friends with doctors and scientists who help search for hard evidence in the field of medicine and quality of life. The goal is to create a global medical reference book whose data listeners can safely trust.

Special attention is paid to sensitive issues that many people are embarrassed to ask even their doctor about. The creators of Kuprum engage practicing doctors as experts, while a professional team of medical editors collects and verifies information.

Elena teaches how to understand complex psychological processes in order to enjoy life and live it easily, catching a tailwind. Each of us is the most important person in our lives. This thought runs through all the topics, such as:

  • why we need all emotions;
  • dangerous beliefs in the 21st century;
  • deferred life syndrome, etc.

“The Light at the End of the Plate”

The podcast about healthy eating “Light at the end of the plate” helps to deal with a huge array of contradictory information surrounding the topic of healthy eating. The authors of the project systematically dismantle popular myths about nutrition and teach to recognize reliable information.

Podcast host – Ksenia Kukushkina, fitness and sports nutritionist, a specialist in the field of proper nutrition.

All information on the Edible-Non-Edible podcast is based on the fundamentals of evidence-based medicine, the opinion of reputable health organizations and reliable scientific data.

Interesting episodes

  • How to speed up your metabolism?
  • Will collagen save us from old age?
  • Is it possible to eat fast food and lose weight?
  • Why you should not drink 2 liters of water? Etc.

Recordings can be listened to in the morning hours or before going to bed.

Popular podcast episodes

  • Meditation for awakening inner wisdom.
  • A morning gratitude meditation.
  • A simple meditation for children.

These interesting podcasts touch on different areas of HEA and will allow you to develop in several directions. They will become a reliable guide for those who are just starting or continuing to lead a healthy lifestyle.

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