5 simple but effective exercises for perfect abs

5 simple but effective exercises for perfect abs

5 simple exercises for abs

Include them in your workout, and the cubes will not make you wait.

The perfect abs are the dream of almost everyone who spends their evenings in the gym. And those who don’t spend their evenings in the gym won’t give up the coveted six cubes. But even the most sophisticated abs workouts sometimes do not lead to results if you do them incorrectly. Together with World Class trainer Ekaterina Nekrasova we decided to show you 5 simple but effective exercises that will help you get the perfect shape as soon as possible. The main thing is not to be lazy and do everything clearly according to the instructions of the trainer.

Twists on the floor

This exercise is performed lying on your back. Legs are bent, feet are on the floor, hands are at the temples.
Exhale and perform twisting of the abs so that only the shoulder blades come off the floor. As you inhale, return to the starting position.
Perform 25 repetitions at a controlled pace.

Alternating twists to the leg

We also perform lying on the floor, legs straightened, hands in a “lock” above the head.
On exhalation, simultaneously raise the straight leg to the hands, and the body – to the leg, then return to the starting position. Repeat the same with the second leg.
It is important to try to perform the exercise with a round back and at a controlled pace. 20 repetitions (10 for each leg).

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