7 unexpected reasons why we can’t lose weight

Sometimes the path to a perfect figure turns out to be unfairly long and thorny. And from the outside it may seem that you are doing everything right. You eat healthy food, do not indulge in bad habits, try to lead an active lifestyle, but you do not lose weight, and this is at best. And in the worst case – you gain even more extra pounds. Perhaps the reason for this stagnation are not quite obvious things. They do not immediately come to mind, but quickly reflected on the scale.

Problems with hormones

Hormonal imbalance in the body is the most frequent obstacle to slenderness. If your thyroid gland or reproductive system is malfunctioning, or if there are abnormalities in insulin levels, this is a reason to see a doctor immediately and start treatment. With such serious problems, diets will be useless or, even worse, will lead to a reverse reaction in the form of weight gain.

Soy products

They are loved by supporters of healthy eating and vegetarianism, because such products can replace meat and milk of animal origin. However, soy contains phytoestrogens known as isoflavones. These are natural compounds similar in structure to the female sex hormone estradiol. Nutrition experts are concerned that they can severely disrupt hormones, lead to fertility problems and even cancer.

Researchers from the French consumer group UFC-Que Choisir tested 55 soy-based products. These included ready meals, desserts, sauces and beverages. As it turned out, a serving of such food can contain an amount of isoflavones five times higher than the norm. Therefore, experts recommend avoiding soy products for pregnant women and children, and the rest of us are advised not to eat more than one serving a day.

Passive smoking

There is an opinion that smoking suppresses appetite and consequently leads to weight loss. However, scientists from Brigham Young University in the US have proven the opposite effect of cigarettes on the body, even if you do not smoke yourself, but just inhale the smoke.

During the experiment, the researchers exposed mice to passive smoking, observed the reaction of their bodies and monitored changes in metabolic functions. As expected, the subjects gained weight. The whole point is that smoke leads to cellular dysfunction due to the effects of a lipid molecule called ceramide. In addition, secondhand smoke causes insulin resistance, which makes it difficult for the body to control blood sugar levels. This can lead to type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Taking antibiotics

An article in the popular science magazine New Scientist claims that antibacterial drugs reduce the amount of beneficial microflora in the gut and therefore may be a cause of obesity.

One of the large-scale studies on the effect of antibiotics on weight was conducted in Denmark. Scientists for a long time monitored the condition of 28 thousand infants. The Danes found that children who took antibacterial drugs during the first six months of life, in the next seven years were more prone to obesity than their peers, whose parents were not treated with such drugs.

The second study was conducted at New York University. During the experiment, scientists wanted to identify the relationship between taking antibiotics and the level of T-lymphocytes in the blood. Obesity is also known to be associated with their low levels in the body. The experts found that antibacterial drugs, taken even in short courses, still reduce the number of these cells.

Lack of sleep

If you still feel that getting a lot of things done is more important than getting a healthy night’s sleep, we suggest you prioritize your sleep differently. Lack of sleep leads directly to lack of energy, changes in hormones, fluid accumulation in the body and improper fat digestion. All this turns out for a person slow metabolism, doubly rampant appetite and, of course, extra pounds.

Salads with dressings

No matter how useful are the components of the salad, whether it is vegetables, herbs or fruits, all the usefulness of the dish is broken by sauces. In them lie the main dangers in the form of sugar, flavor enhancers, artificial flavorings and dyes. All this clearly does not contribute to weight loss, so the way out of the situation – modestly add olive oil to the ingredients or prepare dressings at home. Their variety is impressive: garlic, sesame, citrus, mustard, yogurt and many other sauces can replace harmful mayonnaise. And most importantly – natural and much less caloric!


People who suffer from depression gain weight more actively, and there are several explanations for this. First, some antidepressants stimulate the appetite, and a person involuntarily wants to eat more. Secondly, if you are driven into the framework of stress and negativity, delicious food seems to be almost the only source of positive emotions.

In such a situation, you should definitely undergo therapy, and in case of hunger attacks, have healthy snacks on hand: fruits, nuts, berries, Greek yogurt, dark chocolate and other alternatives to unhealthy cookies and bars.

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