A psychologist has named 8 signs of depression. Check yourself against the list

Ami Lev

practicing psychologist, Gestalt therapist, hypnotist, author of psychological games

We still live in a world where people are depressed for years without realizing it. People around us call this condition laziness, but this ailment has long been classified as a disease that greatly impairs the quality of life.

What is depression?

This is a mental disorder in which a person is in a depressed state (more than two weeks). The brain receptors in this case stop producing and transmitting the hormones of happiness and will: serotonin, dopamine and endorphins. If depression is left untreated, there is a risk of losing performance for months, or even years.

The fear of admitting such a diagnosis is due to the fact that, thanks to cinema and the media, most people’s knowledge of psychiatry ends with diseases such as schizophrenia, alzheimer’s, and bipolar disorder.

Depression develops for various reasons (what exactly provokes the disorder, scientists still do not know):

  • Acute and chronic stress;
  • loss or change of job;
  • psychological trauma;
  • loss of a loved one;
  • serious illness;
  • low self-esteem;
  • retirement;
  • economic crises;
  • political instability in the country.

Types of depression

The disorder is endogenous and exogenous. That is, the cause can be genetic predisposition or external events.

The psyche of each person has a different stability. Serious crisis events (job loss, divorce, death of loved ones and a series of failures), especially in which emotions are displaced, lead to the fact that it can not withstand and fails.

It is a big mistake to think that with this ailment the personality should look unhappy and suffering. Often the manifestations of depression are unnoticeable to others. Especially if it is diagnosed in restrained and strong-willed people.


1. Problems with sleep. When a person has this disorder, he either wants to sleep all the time and feels sleepy, or he has total insomnia.

2. Appetite problems. Food is one of the available pleasures. Interest in food can either completely disappear or, on the contrary, increase. Any deviation from the norm – an alarm bell.

3. lack of emotion. As a rule, depression dulls the senses. There is no taste for life. Something cool and pleasant seems to be happening, but “I don’t feel anything”. A person can even smile, laugh at jokes, but inside the feeling that it’s all wrong.

4. Fatigue. Pursued by permanent fatigue. A person already wakes up broken, exhausted. This feeling persists throughout the day.

5. A marked decrease in energy and efficiency.

6. Low libido. Sexual desire decreases. It may return from time to time. However, in general, it is almost always at zero.

7. Lack of desire. In depressive disorder, it is almost impossible to answer the question “what do I want?”. All goals and intentions seem meaningless, as does life itself.

8. Suicidal thoughts. Even occasionally and jokingly. Any thought that life is meaningless and want to “go out the window”, a clear sign that a person is tightly mired in depression.

Such states are also characteristic of apathy and burnout. How to distinguish them? If at least two items on the list persist for more than two or three weeks, it is a serious signal that it is time to consult a psychiatrist.

How to treat?

Maria Danina

Ph.D. in Psychology, Senior Researcher at the PI laboratory of the Russian Academy of Sciences, founder of Psychodemia.

The good news is that depression is treatable. There are a number of effective methods.

The most common are psychotherapy, medication, or a combination of both approaches.

Psychotherapy helps people not only to identify and eliminate the psychological factors that provoke the development of depression, but also to prevent the recurrence of such episodes. This is achieved through prevention. It may involve working with a therapist to develop self-regulation skills, coping strategies, and ways to improve communication and relationships.

One of the most researched and effective treatment techniques is considered to be cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This is an approach that focuses on thoughts and behaviors that exacerbate the depressive state and prevent coping.

The person together with the specialist analyzes various life situations. Then – what thoughts and feelings arose in these circumstances, as well as how he made decisions and acted in them.

Medications such as antidepressants can be effective in treating this disorder. Such drugs work by changing the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain. They help to improve mood and reduce depressive symptoms. However, it is important to note that medications should be taken only under the guidance of a doctor.

Is it possible to overcome depression on your own?

There are certainly steps that a person can take to improve their mental health. However, it is not recommended to overcome depression on your own, as it is a serious condition that requires professional treatment and support. Therefore, such attempts to cope with this disorder can be dangerous and can lead to worsening symptoms or even self-harm.

The exception to this is when the condition is not too severe or preventative. In these cases, some actions can be taken.

  • Exercise. Vigorous physical activity has a positive effect on a person’s emotional state and mental health.
  • Variety. Positive emotions provide travel to new places, trips to a restaurant, cinema or theater, outings to nature.
  • Communication with a loved one. Intimacy opens you stronger in front of him, he learns your doubts, secret fears, embarrassing secrets. This gives birth to harmony in the couple – there is nothing secret anymore, the masks are removed, and you are loved as you really are.
  • Showing your feelings. Don’t isolate yourself from the emotions that bother you, including unpleasant ones.
  • Good professional self-help books are good. They give exercises and practices that help you to notice the signs of this disorder in time and reduce their strength.

Remember, if you are experiencing symptoms of depression, it is important to seek help and support from a medical professional. This could be talking to your primary care physician, psychotherapist, or psychiatrist.

There are also many resources available to people struggling with this condition, including support groups, hotlines, and online communities.

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