Beauty flyhacks from TikTok: how can they be dangerous?

Why don’t some of the social networking tips work? Can beauty tips from TikTok be dangerous?

A cosmetologist answers.

TikTok content is diverse: dances, Challenges, recipes and tricks for self-care. The latter is especially popular: under the hashtag DIYBeauty (beauty with your own hands) over 215 million views.

Arina Kireeva


Home care is important and necessary. However, not everything that is shown on the Internet should be done. Before you need to learn about possible consequences and contraindications.

Clean face: aloe vera + film

Black dots are one of the common problems that everyone wants to get rid of. TikTok often offers different options for cleansing the skin: a mask of gelatin and activated charcoal or steaming the pores from a hot pot of potatoes.

Today, one of the best ways in the fight against black dots is considered the application of aloe vera gel on the face under a food film. According to the advice after 15-20 minutes you need to wipe the face with a cotton disk, take a spoon of Uno and squeeze out the impurities.

In reviews they write that the procedure works and does not cause red spots and swelling, unlike purges in salons.

Arina: In my opinion, this procedure is useless. Cleaning the face at home is dangerous. First of all, you can get an infection. Secondly, there is a chance that you will not completely remove the comedone, thereby provoking inflammation, which will only worsen the situation.

Spoon Uno – a professional tool cosmetologist. Improper use of it traumatizes the skin, which can lead to suppuration, scarring and post-traumatic pigmentation. In addition, the spoon must be sterile, and at home it is impossible to completely clean the device from microorganisms.

The recipe is simple: in boiling water put a few bay leaves and cook for five minutes under a lid, after removing from the fire remove the leaves and leave the decoction to cool. Wet a cotton disk with the liquid and wipe the face 1-2 times a day.

According to the creators of the tonic, it moisturizes, rejuvenates, starts the process of regeneration of the epidermis and eliminates acne. The cosmetologist will tell you why it is better not to replace ready-made lotions with homemade ones.

Arina: For the basis of such a tonic takes running water, which dries and shrinks the skin of the face. It is not used in professional cosmetics. At the same time, each skin type needs individual care. For some it is important to moisturize, for the second – cleansing, for the third – vasodilatation. Laurel leaf does not have all the effects, it is not universal.

Massage of problem areas with the use of honey

How to get rid of cellulite is a question that worries many women. Spending time on the traditional way – active training – not everyone wants to. People are looking for all sorts of options that could improve the appearance of their skin. Honey massage is one of the ways.

In the video with a flyhack, girls patting movements spread honey on different parts of the body for 5-10 minutes. They recommend not to limit yourself to one massage, but to conduct a course – 10-15 sessions. This will help speed up metabolic processes and improve blood circulation, which will have a positive effect on skin tone.

TikTok warns: honey massage has contraindications and negative consequences. Let’s ask the expert, what is the danger of the sweet procedure.

Arina: Honey is a potentially allergenic product. It can provoke redness and rashes. The second disadvantage can be considered bruises, hematomas and venous netting. Too intense massage can damage the upper layer of the epidermis.

Hair growth: golden mumie + shampoo

Golden mumiyo – healing mountain wax, which has useful properties. The main thing is a positive effect on regeneration and metabolism in the body.

To get the benefit, some people drink tablets, the second dissolve them in shampoo. Where the second option came from – it is not difficult to guess. TikTok assures: the supplement is the best remedy for dandruff and hair loss. It is enough to wash your hair with the solution once a week.

Nevertheless, it is interesting to know whether there is harm from the organic-mineral substance. It is believed that mumiyo in small amounts removes moisture from the curls. If you have a dry hair type, it’s better not to use the popular leafhack. It is not recommended to use mumie for pregnant and lactating women, people with sensitive skin, as it is possible to manifest allergies.

We hope that now you will be careful when choosing home procedures.

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