Can Nordic walking delay old age

As we age, it’s not just wrinkles that accumulate, but soreness as well. There may be different reasons for this, but the only way out is to stay physically active to feel good even in old age. Just two or three Nordic walking sessions a week can prolong life for years. This is probably the only type of physical activity that is recommended for the elderly. And here’s why.

Nastya Poletaeva

founder and head of the first professional “Nordic Walking School” in Russia

Nordic walking is becoming more and more popular. And this is not without reason.

Why you should do walking

Walking with poles is available for literally any physical data and limitations. There is even such an expression: “If you are not a bedridden patient, you can walk with sticks”. The main thing is to dose the load.

Nordic walking is a cardio load and an excellent prevention of all cardiovascular diseases. Among them, for example, ischemic disease, heart attack, stroke, diseases of the venous system, problems with blood vessels and blood pressure. All of these can be brought under control.

During Nordic walking, the body is saturated with oxygen. And fresh air strengthens the immune system, bone tissue and cardiovascular system. We also replenish our vitamin D stores by being out in the sun.

Nordic walking reduces the risk of developing senile dementia by restoring normal coordination and sleep. Walking with poles is also an excellent means of recovery after any disease or surgical intervention.

For recovery it is enough to practice two or three times a week from 40 to 60 minutes. It is advisable to undergo basic technical training with a good instructor before practicing walking on your own.

What are the other advantages of Nordic walking

Walking with poles strengthens the muscular frame, which is important for the elderly, because with age the muscle tissue thins. And feasible, dosed load just prevents this.

Nordic walking is recommended if you are overweight, it is a very environmentally friendly means to keep your weight under control. This sport involves the upper limb girdle and almost all muscle groups of the body.

Another pleasant factor is that you can expand your circle of acquaintances and share some experience, get new emotions during the classes. During the training you can communicate with others in a full-fledged way. This does not reduce the quality of training and even, on the contrary, serves as an additional motivator not to skip classes.

Competent walking technique allows you to transfer part of the harmful load from the joints to the stick, which has a favorable effect on the entire musculoskeletal system – even in athletes with long-standing injuries. There are instructors who work with the elderly and do with them additional warm-ups and warm-downs that enhance the effect of walking with poles.

Another plus – walking can be practiced all year round and you don’t have to do anything for it, you don’t have to invest a lot of money in equipment. It is enough to buy good sticks and sports shoes and practice all year round in any weather. That’s why there are more and more fans of this sport, and you can often see people with poles in their hands in parks.

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