The ancient Persian scientist, philosopher and physician Avicenna divided human life into four age periods: growth, which lasted up to 30 years, youth – from 35 to 40 years, maturity – up to 60 years and old age – after 60 years. Despite the fact that, according to the WHO classification, a young person is now considered to be up to 44 years old, after 40 years it is still worth starting to pay special attention to your diet. The fact is that proper nutrition is one of the main recipes for how to live a long life, while remaining active, slim and cheerful. Moreover, there are products that should be abandoned altogether or at least minimize their use. Mikhail Zabotin, head of medical training department of Basis Genomic Group, endocrinologist and nutritionist, expert of the International Festival of Health and Sports SN PRO EXPO FORUM, told “Championship” about them.
Simple carbohydrates
These are sugar, jam, honey, sweet drinks, white bread, confectionery, white wheat pasta, dates, milk chocolate, ice cream. Frequent consumption of simple carbohydrates contributes to obesity and the development of such dangerous age-related diseases as diabetes, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease.
Fast food and junk food
From the English word junk food means junk food. Fast food is most often associated with fast food restaurants, while foods in the junk food category are usually placed in the most prominent places in the store. This category includes chips, crackers, carbonated sugary drinks, salted nuts, snacks, 3-in-1 coffee, noodles, and instant soups. Junk food is more harmful than fast food because these foods contain many artificial additives, flavorings and preservatives in addition to “empty calories”.
Salt and salty foods
To salty products can be attributed smoked products, many types of cheese, pickles. In Russia, salt consumption is very high: in terms of per person we eat about 15 grams per day, while the norm is no more than 5 grams. Excessive salt consumption leads to the development of hypertension, and as a consequence – heart attacks, strokes, encephalopathy (brain damage).
Alcoholic beverages
Almost any drinks containing alcohol are detrimental to health, in addition, they can contribute to the acquisition of excess weight.
Prepared products that contain processed meats
These are sausages, bacon, sausages, especially smoked. These products contain a lot of salt, and some also contain sugar, as well as nitrates, trans fats, preservatives, flavorings and many other additives. Numerous studies show that such products are highly carcinogenic.
You can see how to keep young by “recipes” of world stars in the video “Championship”.
Do you eat “forbidden” dishes from this list?