How many days you can stay off your diet and not get fat, says nutritionist

How long can you break the diet, so as not to gain weight?

We tell you together with an expert.

Meeting with friends and family holidays – a frequent cause of failure in the diet. Can a couple of days of hearty feasts spoil the result of multi-day training? Are there ways not to gain extra pounds eating grandma’s pies and kebabs in the countryside? Before you a detailed instruction on how to hold a feast without harm to health and figure.

Nata Gonchar

If over the holidays you clearly overeat, do not hurry to cut the amount of food consumed and refuse carbohydrates.

How and what to eat to not get fat over the holidays

An extra piece of pizza or kebab at the holiday table – no reason to run to the gym or “sit on water” from Monday. Even when following a strict diet deviations are possible, and for them should not berate yourself or try to compensate somehow. Starvation, grueling workouts, dangerous fat burners get a categorical “no”.

Nata: The best way not to gain extra pounds during the holidays is to control yourself and stick to a balanced diet of 80% of the diet. That is, the majority of all food should be within a balanced diet, and the remaining 20% can be filled with holiday treats.

Eliminate unnecessary things from your diet:

  • Trans fats – margarine, popcorn, fast food, baked goods;
  • convenience foods – dumplings, cutlets and other frozen ready meals;
  • added sugar – sausages, candy, canned vegetables, yogurt;
  • store-bought juices, sauces.

Take advantage of a competent scheme of nutrition:

  • breakfast with a predominance of fats;
  • protein lunch;
  • vegetable dinner;
  • plenty of water;
  • fruit and natural sweets – 30-50 g before meals;
  • probiotics and prebiotics (live bacteria can be added to every meal).

Adhere to the BGU (ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates). A complete diet includes three meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner (no snacks).

Breakfast (from 7:00 to 10:00, two glasses of water 30 minutes before breakfast):

  • fats – up to 65%;
  • proteins – 15%;
  • carbohydrates – 20%.

Lunch (12:00 to 14:00):

  • proteins – 25%;
  • fats – 15%;
  • fiber (greens and vegetables) – up to 60%.

Dinner (from 17:00 to 18:00):

  • Carbohydrates – up to 75%;
  • fats – up to 15%;
  • proteins – up to 15%.

But for this you need to adhere to a few rules:

  • Do not reduce calories below 1200 kcal, and weight – more than 1 kg per week;
  • normalize the work of bile flow and lymph flow, detoxification functions;
  • replenish key deficiencies and only then do high-interval training like HIIT;
  • do not eat four hours before bedtime, do not snack during the day and normalize the mode and depth of sleep.

How not to lose weight

To normalize weight in the long run, torturing yourself with grueling workouts and “starvation” diets is a bad idea. This can lead to health problems.

Calorie-restricted diets and reduced dietary variety. Leads to the development of deficiencies in macro- and micronutrients. This disrupts organ function and hormonal balance.

Increasing protein in the diet. With impaired protein assimilation, this strategy leads to an increase in fermentation processes in the intestine, increased load on the kidneys and lymphatic system.

Sharp increase in physical activity. In order for sport not to harm your health, you must first eliminate basic deficiencies in vitamins, macro- and micronutrients. Active physical activity can be engaged in when there is enough energy and there is a natural desire for sport.

Taking dangerous fat burners. After their use, there is usually an additional weight gain. And this is not to mention other consequences.

Prolonged fasting for the purpose of weight loss. Because of this, metabolism is disturbed, after which there is additional weight gain and an increased risk of eating disorders.

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