How much do you need to jump rope to lose weight? Answered by a professional trainer

How much do you need to jump rope to lose weight? Answers a professional trainer

Jump rope

For an hour you can burn about 800 calories, but this result is not possible for everyone.

How to jump rope correctly? How much should you jump to lose weight?

Answers fitness trainer.

Jump rope – a great assistant in the fight against excess weight. Jumping can be a great alternative to running: they are very energy-consuming and will pump endurance well. Another big plus of this projectile is its compactness. You can jump anywhere: at home, in the gym or on the street.

World Class running coach and fitness trainer

Jumping rope is a cardio exercise that trains the cardiovascular and nervous systems, thereby increasing endurance and anaerobic threshold and increasing the number of mitochondria in cells. Mitochondria convert nutrients into usable energy using oxygen molecules.

How to pick a jump rope?

Step on the projectile in the middle, connect the handles and pull upwards. The ends of the jump rope should be just above the point that divides your body in half. This will be the ideal length, with it you will be comfortable jumping.

How to jump with a jump rope correctly?

The movement is quite simple, but if you have not practiced sports before, the body will need preparation. Work with the foot, with the knees and with the hip joint, strengthen the muscles of the bark, so that the body can more easily carry the load. People with problem knees, large overweight and cardiovascular diseases jumping rope is not recommended.


  • Jump not on the whole foot, but on your toes.
  • Do not bend your legs while jumping and gently push off the surface.
  • The elbows do not work, twist the rope at the expense of the wrist.
  • Keep your back straight throughout the exercise.

How much do I need to jump rope to lose weight?

For an hour of jumping, you can burn about 800 calories. But such a stunning result is not possible for everyone. Continuously jumping even 10 minutes unprepared person is quite difficult. But even a little physical activity still brings results. And with regular exercise they can be improved.

Sergei: Regularity of the same actions always gives results. Here is important not only the process of work with a jump rope, but also a comprehensive approach to the issue of weight loss: nutrition, sleep, recovery, all motor activity in general.

The amount of energy consumed should be equal to the amount of energy spent. If the goal is to get rid of excess weight, you should spend a little more calories than you consume. Then the weight will start to decrease little by little. Training with a jump rope will accelerate the fat-burning process and strengthen the body.

The load can be low-intensity or high-intensity. Everything will depend on the methodology of the training process, in which the jump rope will be built. Jump every day, and in a couple of weeks you will feel the result: you will improve your endurance, balance, and your legs will become tighter.

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