How to learn how to breakdance? Video lesson for beginners

How to learn how to breakdance? Video lesson for beginners

How to learn how to breakdance? Video lesson

You are waiting for a set of basic movements that are very easy to master.

Despite the ever-changing fashion, breakdancing remains a favorite direction of many dancers. And for good reason. This style allows each athlete to be himself, because the streets where the origin of the direction, do not tolerate lies and masks.

In breakdancing harmoniously combines creative expression and physical activity, which is why it is constantly reaching a new level. Already at the next Olympics, which will be held in Paris, it will become an official discipline.

If you are interested in street dancing, you should definitely try to learn a few basic moves with professional dancer Denis Pochtarev. But don’t rush to spin on your head and do somersaults – start with the basics, and who knows, maybe in time you too will become a B-boy or B-girl.

For a video lesson on hip-hop, follow this link.
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