How useful are fish heads, tails and bones. An experienced fisherman tells us

Anna Murashova

author in section Lifestyle

Few people know how to eat fish properly. The simplest is to clean from the bones and eat only the flesh. But, it turns out, the head also contains many valuable substances. Vladimir Chudinov, a fisherman with 50 years of experience, told us what benefits lie inside the fish head.

The main thing is the process of catching fish

Vladimir eats only lake fish, which he caught himself, although it is not as healthy and fatty as sea fish. The process of catching is also important. “A beautiful sunset, the lake, around the quiet, the water is warm, you can take a boat ride, and the fish bites,” he said.

Our hero lives in Chelyabinsk and says that there are more than three hundred lakes in the region, so there is a lot of variety for choosing a fishing spot: “Most often there are perch, pike, carp. I travel to the Urals with my wife Natalia, who knows how to cook any fish in camping conditions and at home. After a successful catch, we cook it on the grill or bake it in the oven”.

Don’t be in a hurry to throw away the fish head

Vladimir does not understand how one can refuse the head of fish, because the most delicious and useful thing is there! “Someone likes fins and tail – I give preference to the head,” shared the fisherman. According to him, the head concentrates most of the valuable substances that are distributed in the body of the fish.

It is in this part that contains a lot of phosphorus and calcium. In addition to all the benefits, the head of the fish is very tasty. As Vladimir said, it tastes similar to cold cream.

Interesting fact: back in the days of ancient Russia, the atamans of the Zaporozhian Cossacks ate fish together with the head. Fish was considered a noble food, which was served to atamans whole. Moreover, they started the meal with the head. There was a belief that this way its habits are transferred, and also increases the probability of a good catch.

Here you will learn about the unexpected reasons why you want fish.

Opinion of the doctor

Irina Yuzup

Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of integrative, preventive and conventional medicine, nutriciologist

It is not for nothing that fish cholodets are cooked on fish heads and tails. After all, they contain the connective tissue, the collagen that allows the dish to solidify like jelly.

This substance will help keep your joints and skin healthy. But there are nuances: once in the gastrointestinal tract, it is broken down into amino acids, which the body will let for its own needs, and not the fact that it is for the construction of connective tissue.

The link told how to realize that you lack collagen, and what to do about it.

In doing so, collagen helps digestion, heals and protects the mucosa. It can also absorb and break down toxins like alcoholic constituents.

What else is useful to find in fish heads and fins

These parts contain the same substances as all fish – omega-3, nutrients, protein. Fish by-products are just as healthy as fish meat, but as always, there is a but.

It is important to treat fish thermally very well, because it is in them that parasites are very common.

In addition, it is worth choosing a place for fishing in terms of environmental friendliness of the area – fish often accumulate heavy metals.

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