No diets and hunger strikes: 11 diet rules for Vera Brezhneva

Not many would argue that 38-year-old Vera Brezhneva looks great. It seems that she simply does not age. In an interview, the singer revealed the secret of youth: “My good figure is about 30% genetics and 70% labor! I seriously work on my body and believe that otherwise it is impossible. Do you think I am not inclined to fullness? Please, no illusions!”.

Vera is sure that if she gives up on nutrition and starts eating unhealthy food, then in a couple of months will say goodbye to sports form and good health. Therefore, the artist always keeps in her head the saying “You are what you eat”. Brezhneva even formulated the rules of nutrition, which she shared with followers in Instagram.

Before moving on to the advice on the composition of the diet, the singer addressed the audience with a request to stop feeling sorry for themselves.

“Very much and often I hear: I can not without coffee, I can not without sweets, I can not without chocolate, etc. I will say one important thing now: a person cannot without air, water, minimal healthy food and love. Without everything else, man can! All these habits and addictions we make up for ourselves. To justify ourselves, to calm our conscience and vigilance, and most importantly – out of self-pity! So let’s stop feeling sorry for ourselves and turn habits from harmful to useful.

Rule 1: Choose fresh products

Vera advises to buy fresh, not frozen products and check their expiration date on the package. And also to use and store them according to this period. With unhealthy food it is better to do according to the principle “out of sight – out of heart”.

Rule 2. Watch the size of portions

Brezhneva tries to fit in one portion as much food as would fit into two palms. In one meal she includes no more than two portions: it can be a salad with the main course or with soup or soup with the main course. The artist in no case recommends to eat everything in one meal: appetizers, side dishes and dessert with compote. The stomach should not stretch.

Rule 3. Breakfast is a must

Breakfast should be mandatory and any: light or dense. “If you don’t eat breakfast, you’re bound to eat more than you need for dinner,” says the singer. Lunch for her is the most nutritious meal, and for dinner the girl eats some protein, porridge or vegetables.

Rule 4: Eat at least three times a day

So advises to do so not only Faith. Neither breakfast, nor lunch, nor dinner can not be excluded from the daily diet. And between them, the artist recommends arranging snacks in the form of fruit, yogurt, vegetables or freshes – at least an hour before the next meal.

Rule 5. Eliminate foods that don’t do any good

Brezhneva attributed fast food, sweet carbonated drinks and cream-based sauces to the products that are more harmful to the body than beneficial.

Rule 6. Do not starve

To avoid extreme hunger, it’s best to always have a snack on hand. “It is by feeling hungry often that the body starts the process of storing fat in case of the next hunger strike,” says Vera.

Rule 7. Try to exclude sweets

The girl advises to exclude from the diet products containing sugar, if you want to lose weight. The only optimal option for her – to allow yourself to eat sweets once a week, and necessarily before lunch and in the volume of no more than 250 ml.

Rule 8: Don’t drink your food

There are different opinions on this subject, but Brezhneva does not drink during meals. She believes that additional liquid stretches the stomach and dilutes the concentration of gastric juice, and this prevents the proper digestion of food. Therefore, the singer drinks 15-20 minutes before a meal or 20 minutes after.

Rule 9. Eat a few hours before bedtime

“There are people who say: I eat – and nothing! First of all, this is an exception. If that’s the case for you, great. For most people, it’s unhealthy and fraught,” says Vera. She usually finishes dinner four hours before bedtime, so that the stomach had time to digest the food, but still recommends relying on your own feelings. By the way, the artist is sure that you can wean yourself from eating before bedtime as follows: try 21 days do not eat at night, and on the 22nd and will not want.

Rule 10. Reduce the use of bread

Brezhneva includes a minimum amount of bread in the diet, because for her PP – is a maximum of two pieces of flour product a day and definitely not during dinner.

Rule 11. Love yourself

And yet the most important rule is to develop love for yourself. You do not need to force your body and clog it with harmful products. “Let’s love ourselves, feed delicious and useful, do not overfeed, do not kill. We should control our desires, not they us!”

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