Relief abs in 30 days. Workout from the prize-winner “Mans Physique”

Relief abs in 30 days. A workout from a Mens Physique medalist

Alexey Dmytryaev

Alexei Dmitriyaev shared a set of exercises for cubes and told what else you need to do to keep them.

Those who now sit remotely, have a little more free time for themselves. And this means that you can seriously think about your body. For example, beautiful abs with cubes everyone likes, and while there is an opportunity, you need to start training. The Mens Physique medalist offered his own version of the abs complex. Some of the exercises will require a fitness club, but since they are closed now, you can pump your abs at home or on the playground with exercises that require only a mat, a bar and motivation.

Alexey Dmytryaev

bodybuilder, bronze medalist at Mens Physique 2015

I don’t separately pump my abdominal muscles. In my case, these are supplementary exercises at the end of any workout. You should start your workout with cardio, you can run for five minutes on the treadmill.



  • Lie on your back on a gymnastic mat.
  • Lift your legs up and bend at the knees. Cross your feet.
  • Keep your hands behind your head.
  • From this position lift the torso up to the legs.
  • Then lower back down again.

Do three approaches of 20 times.

Important: To check the correctness of the exercise you can put the finger of one hand on the lower abdomen and the finger of the other – on the chest. If your fingers come closer together during the exercise, you are doing it correctly.

Lying leg raises

The pull is performed not by the legs, but by the pelvis and abdominal muscles.


  • Lie on your back on a gymnastic mat.
  • Bend your legs at the knees and lift them up.
  • From this position pull the legs up to the ceiling.
  • The pelvis is slightly lifted off the ground.
  • Then return the legs and pelvis to the place.

Do three approaches of 20 times.

Superset: twists with counterweight + twists in the upper block

Counterbalance twists

The exercise is performed on a block trainer for pull-ups.

Execution technique:

  • Lean your elbows on a special platform. Slightly round your back.
  • Press down the platform exactly with the abdominal muscles, not with the elbows.
  • Then we bend up again.
  • We bend much slower than we bent.

Do three approaches of 20 times.

Twists in the upper block

The exercise is performed in a crossover.

Technique of execution:

  • Stand with your back to the block.
  • In the hands we take the braids of the simulator, hold them at the level of the temples.
  • Fix the waist and twist downward.
  • Straighten up many times slower than before twisting.
  • The weight should not be too heavy. If the load seems lighter, you can perform the exercises more slowly. This will complicate the task.

Do three approaches of 20 times.

Food recommendations

If you want to lose weight and get dry lean abs, it is not necessary to completely remove fats from the diet. It is enough only to significantly limit the consumption of carbohydrates, since a person gains weight precisely because of them.

In addition, you should distinguish between simple and complex carbohydrates. Simple quickly raise blood sugar levels, while complex decay for a long time and provide the body with energy for a long time. The first type should definitely be abandoned in favor of the second. Protein can be consumed in unlimited quantities.

For detailed exercises and expert’s comments, see the video on “Championship”.

Source: MuscleRussia.

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