The expert told what is dangerous overabundance of vitamins in the body

Galina Khusainova

pharmacist, health coach, biohacking trainer

Vitamins are some of the most interesting substances that circulate in our blood and ensure health. They are not directly included in the structure of tissues and are not used for energy production, but they influence the speed of biochemical reactions in the body. As it is impossible to build a brick house without cement, it is impossible to organize the work of the body without micronutrients. Their deficiency leads to weakened immunity, loss of strength, irritability. At the same time, hypervitaminosis is also dangerous.

The main thing is the balance

How to take vitamins correctly, so as not to harm? In this matter, the main thing is the norm. They should not be a lot and should not be little. Insufficiency or hypervitaminosis should not be allowed.

Russians tend to buy supplements just “just in case”. This is one of the biggest mistakes, as incorrect dosages can lead to a state of overabundance, the consequences of which are even more dangerous than from deficiency.

Hypervitaminosis is more common in the group of fat-soluble vitamins – A, D, E, K, as these trace elements are easily bound in the body with fat cells and therefore have the ability to be stored in tissues for a long time. There are also high risks of poisoning when consuming large doses of vitamins from the B group, mainly B6 (pyridoxine).

Consequences of vitamin overdose

Vitamin A (beta-carotene), the active form is retinol. It is contained in carrots, spinach, rose hips, apricots, pumpkin and a number of other red-colored fruits and vegetables. If the intake in the form of tablets was increased dosage, there may be manifestations of acute symptoms of poisoning – nausea and vomiting, a feeling of drowsiness, headache. Also about hypervitaminosis indicates the appearance of yellow spots on the skin, mainly on the extremities (hands and feet) and around the nose. If the norm is significantly exceeded, photophobia and seizures may appear.

Chronic vitamin A poisoning leads to cholestatic liver disease, its enlargement, as well as bone overgrowth. Symptoms here will be severe dryness of the skin, hair loss, brittle nails, hyperpigmentation of the skin.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is found in cereal products, egg yolk, vegetable oil, seeds, etc. Exceeding the norm from food is quite difficult. But if you take the wrong doses calculated by the doctor or prescribe this trace element independently, then there may be disorders – noises in the head, rubber in the abdomen. They are nonspecific, so it is possible to establish an overdose of vitamin E only by blood tests.

Vitamin D today is referred to prohormones, since it has a steroidal structure. To get hypervitaminosis naturally in our country is almost impossible due to the lack of sunny days. Russians are mostly deficient in this substance, and vitamin D in supplement form is the most consumed. And now it is often taken much more than recommended by the standards, as the dosage norms are revised upward.

With an overabundance of vitamin D, symptoms similar to poisoning appear: muscle weakness, thirst, loss of appetite, attacks of dizziness, palpitations.

Only a specialist can calculate and prescribe the correct dose of this trace element. He will give recommendations based on the data of blood tests for the total level, as well as on the genetic analysis that determines the sensitivity of receptors to vitamin D.

Vitamin B6. In general, water-soluble micronutrients, including groups B and C, are quite safe in terms of the development of hypervitaminosis. The exception is vitamin B6 because of the peculiarities of its metabolism. In this case, it is more correct to speak not about hypervitaminosis, but about acute toxic poisoning.

Symptoms are painful sensations in the abdomen and skin, tingling or numbness, impaired coordination of movements, heartburn, nausea, high photosensitivity. With significant toxic effects, vomiting may occur.

It is more likely to get poisoning when using the vitamin in the form of injections. This is especially true, since today very popular droppers, which often include B vitamins.

Remember, when taking any micronutrients, it is important to first determine their concentration in the blood and identify the genetic features of the metabolism of vitamins and minerals in the body. Dosage should be calculated by a specialist individually, taking into account these indicators.

About the compatibility of vitamins

And yet more often Russians are faced with a deficiency or insufficiency of vitamins and minerals. This is caused by unbalanced nutrition, the use of convenience foods, increased stress, which is experienced by residents of megacities. In conditions of mental and physical stress especially quickly spent magnesium and vitamin D. In addition, the body loses and B vitamins when experiencing an active information load.

With a loss of strength and reduced immune functions, people buy multivitamin preparations to comprehensively help the body. And here the question of choosing a vitamin complex that will individually suit a person becomes relevant.

Note that trace elements are active components that not only affect the biochemical processes in the body, but also enter into chemical reactions with each other. This can both improve and impair absorption, as well as cause other effects, often undesirable.

There are recommendations on the combinability and incompatibility of vitamins and trace elements that have been confirmed by many years of clinical practice. These data should be followed when taking in tablet form and especially in the form of infusions, e.g. drips.

For more information, see the table of compatibility of nutrients at the link.

Cases of incompatibility of vitamins

Vitamin B9, known as folic acid, belongs to the so-called “non-capricious” elements, as it combines well with many trace elements – with all the B vitamins, vitamin C. However, it should not be taken together with zinc.

The popular vitamin C is not assimilated with vitamins B1 (thiamine) and B12 (cobalamin), as well as with copper preparations.

You should also be careful when taking B vitamins. They are usually taken to improve brain function, replenish strength, they are also included in the composition of beauty complexes. But even among themselves microelements of this group do not always agree. Thus, thiamine (B1) is not “friends” with riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pyridoxine (B6), cobalamin (B12). That is, it can be consumed only with pantothenic (B5) and folic (B9) acids.

Special attention should be paid to such a trace element as iron, which is prescribed for anemia and complaints of a decline in strength. When taken simultaneously with vitamins A, C, B3, the absorption of iron increases. And with vitamins B2 and B12 to take it is categorically impossible. Also, iron is not combined with vitamin E, magnesium, calcium and zinc.

Interestingly, when getting micronutrients from fruits and vegetables, our body assimilates them well in any combination. Compatibility problems arise only when using synthetic vitamins. Specialists in the pharmaceutical industry have long been looking for ways to solve this issue.

Swiss scientists have achieved certain success. They have developed a technology in which granules of guar gum (acacia polysaccharide) are impregnated with vitamins. In bound form, the components begin to behave like natural colloidal systems – bits of food. When swallowed, the granules swell and take a form similar to that of regular food. Then naturally at the right moment and in different parts of the intestine granules give the body micronutrients. The quality of absorption, as studies show, is very high. Micronutrients based on guar gum are also available to Russians. Such preparations have been realized in our country since 2019.

How to choose a vitamin complex?

I suggest the following algorithm for choosing and taking vitamin and mineral complexes for recovery.

  1. Take blood tests to know the current readings and determine the concentration of vitamins in the body.
  2. Consult a specialist, as only he will be able to correctly decipher the data of the tests and on their basis calculate the correct dosage. Even more accurately investigate the active forms of vitamins will help genetic DNA analysis for predisposition to disordered absorption of micronutrients.
  3. When buying complexes, check their compatibility, especially for shots and drips.

It is recommended to use high-tech dietary supplements that are close to food in their properties and have a high level of digestibility, and you will not have to think about compatibility.

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