The mysteries of Nordic walking: what is this sport and why is it necessary?

The mysteries of Nordic walking: what is this sport and why is it necessary?

Valeria Mayorova

Valeria Mayorova

What is Nordic walking

You are mistaken if you think that only grandmothers walk with sticks.

On the streets you can often see people of different ages walking with sticks. It’s not biathletes who have lost their skis, it’s the adepts of Nordic walking, which is turning into a real philosophy every day.

We tell you more about this mysterious sport.

Long ago pilgrims used sticks for support during their hikes. In 1940 in Finland, professional skiers went out with poles for a walk to keep fit outside of training. In the late 90’s such walking became an independent sport, after which it became popular all over the world. In Russia, Nordic walking appeared not so long ago, but nevertheless it quickly came to the taste of many.

Technique of Nordic walking

Imagine that you are just walking: arms, legs and body move freely and synchronously – left arm and right leg forward, then the next step – right arm and left leg forward.

When walking, you should first stand on the heel, and then – on the toe. The movements should be smooth, without unnecessary jerks.

What is the benefit?

Doctors have long proved that walking is good for health. During Nordic walking almost all muscles work, and also thanks to it it is even possible to lose weight. For a significant weight loss, you should exercise five times a week.

Walking with poles has a positive effect on the body:

  • The body, spine and joints are strengthened.
  • Blood and organs are enriched with oxygen.
  • The blood vessels and heart become stronger.
  • Cholesterol levels are reduced.
  • Regular exercise results in fat burning.
  • Your mood improves and you gain energy.

Why is Nordic walking so popular?

There are many reasons for the popularity of this sport. Some people have corrected their figure thanks to regular exercise, and someone even solved the issue of obesity.

Especially this sport is loved by pensioners. For them, it is a great substitute for running and a sure way to socialize with each other. In addition, Nordic walking contributes to the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

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