These 6 habits allow blue-zone residents to live to be 100 years old

The formula for good health is simpler than it seems. It does not consist of complicated diets or intensive workouts. Simple healthy habits are the key to slow aging. This is proved by the inhabitants of “blue zones”. These are small areas of the world, where people are more likely to live to 100 years, without losing activity and vigor. They include: Ogliastra and Barbagia (Sardinia), Okinawa Island (Japan), Loma Linda (California), Nicoya (Costa Rica) and Ikaria (Greece). We talked about these unique areas in detail in a separate review.

Irina Dvorkina


“Eating natural food, having hobbies, exercising regularly, maintaining sincere social relationships – these are some simple points that allow residents of blue zones to live a long and happy life. Let’s break down the whole list and find out how it works.”

1. Use a mat instead of a chair

In Okinawa, people always sit and stretch on thin fabric mats. This allows the body to make more complex movements and engages different muscle groups. Also, giving up our usual physical comforts forces us to be active, leading to a healthier lifestyle.

Replacing a chair with a rug can provide a number of benefits. First, it increases flexibility and mobility. The fact is that sitting on the floor engages various muscles. This helps to develop flexibility. There is also work with posture. Sitting on the floor promotes an upright (more natural) posture, which can reduce back and neck pain.

2- Have an active hobby

Another strategy for introducing movement into our day is to find an activity or hobby that forces us to be more active. For example, residents of “blue zones” often engage in gardening. What are the benefits of this kind of activity?

First, it improves physical health. Working in the garden involves active movements such as digging, lifting and bending, which can provide exercise and strengthen muscles. However, it is worth being careful that the physical effort does not go further to the detriment of your health.

We also get stress relief. Spending time outdoors and working with plants has a relaxing and therapeutic effect, helping to reduce stress and anxiety.

And another important thing is being able to feel like you’ve accomplished something. Watching the progress of your gardening efforts (growing plants or creating a beautiful space) can boost your self-esteem and give you a sense of accomplishment for at least part of it.

3. Eat “clean” food (farm food)

Food has a huge impact on quality of life. Residents of “blue zones” follow a simple farmer’s diet. This diet is typically rich in fiber, plant-based vitamins and minerals, which can help improve overall health and reduce the risk of chronic disease.

A farmer’s diet focuses on local and seasonal produce, potentially healthier. Harvests are small, nurturing is better controlled, and understandable fertilizers are used.

Experts also advise paying maximum attention during meal preparation, as well as avoiding any devices during meals. Mealtime is a great time to slow down.

4. Sleep in the afternoon

We usually hurriedly drink a cup of strong coffee on the go to stay on track. However, longtime residents recommend getting 15-20 minutes of sleep. Resting without noise and distractions will help you regain energy for the second half of the day. What else is useful short sleep:

  • Fatigue is reduced and the body relaxes. This leads to improved mood and a general sense of well-being;
  • productivity increases. Attention, concentration and cognitive functions improve;
  • Stress levels are reduced. The mind and body are recharged, leading to increased resilience and better mood management.

5. Maintain social connections

In Blue Zones, people help each other cope with life’s challenges and solve problems together. Today, we are completely immersed in our own worries. However, residents of Blue Zones believe that helping and coping together is an important key to longevity. For example, you can do volunteer work or take an interest in social issues.

This is useful for expanding your connections. Interacting with others increases your network of contacts and can help build meaningful relationships. It also affects your sense of personal growth and fulfillment. Contributing to social causes and helping others will provide purpose, meaning, and your own fulfillment.

6. Get out in nature more often

It is advisable to move to the countryside. Megacities are crowded, noisy and polluted. They offer many conveniences at the cost of our physical and psychological health. Living away from the hustle and bustle of the city promotes relaxation. However, it is important to realize that moving can, on the contrary, add stress. Perhaps, for now, you should simply make it a habit to get out into nature more often.

Use weekends for this purpose. Find a tranquil recreation center located away from the city. The relief you can provide yourself in this way will minimize the factors that negatively affect your mental health.

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