Time out in training: how does taking a break from sport improve performance?

We need rest in order to regain performance. This rule also applies to sports. Regeneration of spent energy after intensive training or competition is necessary to return to your previous performance and improve your athletic performance. We used to think that progress can only be felt with regular physical activity, but this is not true. Taking a break from sports plays an important role in improving performance.

In this article, we will tell you how to realize that you should take a rest and why you should not leave these body signs unattended.

Ekaterina Gilevskaya


It’s important to remember, there is a different ideal vacation for each person. Here you should not take some ready-made scheme, there is a risk that it will not suit you.

What happens in the body during rest?

After intense sports, energy reserves are depleted and muscle tissue becomes severely dehydrated. In this case, you need supercompensation – a concept that is actively used in the sports lexicon and means that during rest from sports, small injuries and microtraumas heal and the body returns to the state it had before training.

Quality rest helps to increase the body’s baseline state and prepare it for the next task, improving performance levels. If you allocate periods of exertion and rest wisely, over time your body’s performance will increase and your existing skills will be perfected.

How do you know when you need a time out?

Neglecting rest affects not only a decrease in the level of performance. A person becomes exhausted, susceptible to infections and more likely to experience muscle and joint pain. Moreover, lack of rest negatively affects the hormonal balance: the level of growth hormones decreases and stress hormones increase.

Also, against the background of hormonal instability, weight problems may occur. Despite sports, it will be more difficult to get rid of extra pounds.

Ekaterina Gilevskaya


In the modern rhythm of life, it is difficult to notice your fatigue. Moreover, the phrase “I’m tired(a)!” is often perceived as a sign of laziness or lack of efficiency. Therefore, a person often ignores any signs of fatigue and pays attention to them when it is too late and burnout sets in.
Remember that being tired is not fashionable.

When you feel tired, it is urgent to take a break, a day off or go on vacation. Signs that you need to relax are a sense of constant lethargy, incomprehensible background anxiety, lack of interest in previously favorite activities, lack of vigor despite a good night’s sleep, constant irritation with yourself, people and the world around you, the feeling that you can not cope, you have a lot on you and you seem to let others down, the feeling that you have lost confidence in yourself.

If the rest did not help, seek help from a psychologist. Perhaps, in your case, rest alone is not enough and you need the support of a specialist.

I’m a sportsman who plays squash six days a week.

I try to keep my sleep schedule. If I sleep eight hours a day, I have a much more energetic day than if I sleep less. I also reduce the number of squash training sessions, do warm-ups and massages, and make sure I go to the sauna. It is not for nothing that they say that a healthy body has a healthy spirit, so it is important to combine spiritual practices with body care. The body likes to be thought of and cared for.
Resting it is hard work.

In order to be fit and feel rested, it is important to develop a healthy sleep schedule: seven to nine hours. Sleep is important for both physical and mental activity. After all, sport is not only about building muscle, but also about developing cognitive skills to learn new combinations, tricks and moves and to keep track of what is happening in the ring, on the field or on the court.

As far as nutrition is concerned, you should stick to the basic rule during the rest period – follow your usual routine and try to eat food that is comfortable and quickly digested. In particular, try to consume enough protein, which is essential for tissue maintenance and repair. Try to avoid snacks and heavy foods.

If you don’t have the opportunity to snack, you can replace your snack with quality protein shakes. But remember, it is always better to stick to a balanced diet.

If the above-mentioned ways of relaxation do not suit you, try doing simple exercises: gentle yoga, leisurely cycling or walking in the fresh air. The main thing is that you should be relaxed and in the mood for rest.

Ekaterina Gilevskaya


Vacation does not equal doing nothing, doing nothing, and getting away from work. It should be planned into your schedule just like any other activity. Rest should be taken regularly, before you feel very tired. Short and frequent breaks are better than one and long. Also, rest is a change of activity. For example, if you sit on calls all day, the best switch for you would be to be quiet and take time for physical activity.

Quality and timely rest helps prevent somatic and mental illnesses, prolongs youthfulness and helps you be stress-resistant. Take care of yourself and don’t neglect rest!

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