What exercises will help to remove cellulite. The trainer named 3 most effective ones

Cellulite bothers many women, and because of it there are complexes. But this problem is very common and there is no need to be ashamed of it. If you want a tighter body, you have to work on yourself and introduce new habits into your life.

Anna Motina

World Class trainer

Cellulite is a physiological norm of a woman. The reason for its appearance is nature itself, or more precisely, estrogens. If it were not for fashion magazines, no one would make a problem out of it. It is possible to make the skin smoother and tighter, but it is not possible for a woman to get rid of it completely.

To fight cellulite to help come to the aid of three means:

  • physical activity;
  • massage;
  • proper drinking regimen.

Physical activity is not three workouts a week for an hour, and regular exercise plus sufficient activity during the day. Sitting for long periods of time in work and driver’s chairs leads to stagnation of lymph and blood flow, which leads to swelling and looseness of the body.

The main rule is to move around a lot and in a variety of ways. Then we connect the massage, preferably professional. For home procedures are great for dry brush and guasha scrubber. You can also treat the body wraps, they improve skin turgor, that is, its elasticity. Proper drinking regime improves metabolic processes in the body, removes swelling.

What exercises will help from cellulite

Best in the fight against cellulite work two directions in fitness: strength training and aerobic. Separately, of course. Strength training contributes to the gain of muscle mass, the skin becomes more dense and even.

Aerobic exercise promotes an accelerated process of lipolysis, that is, you literally burn fat stores. But it is worth remembering that you should not get carried away with one cardio, the body without a strong muscular framework will be flabby.

If cellulite is mainly in the thighs, it is worth paying attention to strength exercises for the quadriceps muscle of the thigh, the back surface of the thigh and buttocks. These can include squats, deadlifts, gluteal bridge and various types of lunges.

If cellulite on the arms, it is worth strengthening the triceps muscle of the shoulder. French press and any forearm extensions will help.

Well, if cellulite in the abdomen, there is only one way – diet. In this case, physical exercises are secondary, first of all you need to adjust the diet.

Do not worry if the problem of “orange crusts” touched you. The main thing is to work on it. Balanced diet, sports and body care will help you to achieve even and smooth skin.

Did you know that in the USSR there was no cellulite? Read about why this happened at the link.
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