What is hypovitaminosis and why do we need vitamins?

Hypovitaminosis is a condition caused by a deficiency of one vitamin or a whole group of vitamins. Contrary to popular belief, this disease is not seasonal. Many Russians are deficient in vitamins A, B2, B12, C, E. We often underestimate their impact on the body. What causes a deficiency of vitamins? Is it necessary to drink them additionally? How to take them correctly? And why are vitamins especially important for those who are engaged in sports?

 Konstantin Karuzin

sports doctor

Before you start taking vitamins, women should consult with a gynecologist. For men, this question is more complicated, but, I think, should go to an andrologist. Of course, you should not forget about nutritionists, nutriciologists. It also makes sense to do a blood test.

Is it necessary to consult a doctor before taking vitamins?

Vitamins are not medicines, so it is not necessary to visit a specialist before taking some of them. For example, the deficiency of omega 3 and vitamin D is observed in almost every Russian, says the expert.

Konstantin Karuzin

Konstantin Karuzin

sports doctor

Vitamin D I recommend drinking about 3000 units per day. For children – dosage from 1000 units. As for omega 3, about 1 g will not hurt either an adult or a child.

Which vitamins should women pay attention to and which vitamins should men pay attention to?

Lack of vitamins can affect the body during training as well. With a lack of iron and the absence of the necessary level of oxygen in the blood, the heart begins to work faster. Because of this, you get tired faster and have less stamina. But the lack of omega 3 is fraught with quite serious consequences for the cardiovascular system, such as arrhythmia and even heart attack.

Konstantin Karuzin

Konstantin Karuzin

sports doctor

The biggest problem in women is iron deficiency. Therefore, if a woman wants to take care of her own health, the first thing to check is the level of iron. This is a major micronutrient. It is involved in so many processes that it is possible to list them endlessly. Iron affects everything related to the transport and assimilation of oxygen. Critically low levels of this element can cause the heart to be overloaded during physical activity. Collagen synthesis and the synthesis of sex hormones also take place with the participation of iron.

For men, however, the main vitamin is omega 3. Perhaps this is why men are more prone to heart disease, because the normal omega index significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Is it worth taking vitamin complexes?

Complexes that offer all vitamins in one jar are becoming increasingly popular. At the same time, many experts warn: there are mutually exclusive supplements that cannot be taken together. How not to get confused and what to favor?

Konstantin Karuzin

Konstantin Karuzin

sports doctor

In natural conditions we get vitamins in a complex. If the vitamin is in the product, and not in the form of a pure chemical substance, its absorption occurs independently of other components.

I believe that vitamins may not combine with each other only in pure chemical form – in a capsule. But if the complexes are made with slow-release vitamins in mind, they can be absorbed together.

What is the main thing when taking vitamins?

Often people neglect the recommendations of specialists and do not drink a full course of drugs. According to the expert, this is one of the most harmful habits.

Konstantin Karuzin

Konstantin Karuzin

sports doctor

The system of intake is more important than the form. People often take drugs irregularly or do not take them at all, and this is much worse than a wrongly selected complex. Improper use of vitamins is unlikely to cause radical harm to health, except that allergic reactions may occur.

But this does not mean that you should buy up all the vitamins in a row. To avoid negative consequences, consult your doctor.

Why do athletes need vitamins?

Andriy Prokudin

Andrei Prokudin

head of medical support for the Moscow-Vladivostok Red Bull Trans-Siberian Extreme cycling race.

Athletes are subjected to high physical and mental loads. And any high-intensity load requires a lot of energy, which the body must get from nutrients. They are found in water, salt, sugar, vitamins, amino acids, etc. But just drinking multivitamin complexes, even taking into account regular sports, is not worth it. You should always know what you are drinking and why.

For example, you sleep restlessly, while everything around you has a good sleep. Or physical activity is low, and fatigue is as if the Olympics just ended. In this case, it is necessary to find a trigger (a mechanism that triggers a deficiency of something) and neutralize it.

For those who are seriously involved in sports, the following are really important: hemoglobin levels, iron, vitamins B, D, E, K.

If you are an athlete, you should stick to this plan: take a blood test for a general analysis, take additional tests for vitamins, go to a consultation with a sports doctor and take a course of exactly those vitamins that you need. It is especially worth studying the composition carefully, because sometimes ordinary multivitamin complexes may contain residues of substances prohibited in sports – doping.

You can learn more about vitamins in the video on “Championship”.

Source: “sportchic.ru”.

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