What to do if anxiety is running your life? 3 main steps and simple techniques

Anna Protasova

physician, psychologist and body-oriented therapist.

“Every one of us has experienced anxiety at least once. It’s normal to worry because of problems at work, workload in studies, unsuccessful relationships with people, etc. But when our anxiety builds up and becomes a worry snowball, it begins to interfere with normal life.”

Anxiety is a state of discomfort, a strong feeling that an unpleasant or negative event is coming or could theoretically happen in our lives.

The manifestations of anxiety can be even insignificant things for many people. In housewives, it can be expressed in the worry that the house is not cleaned, that guests will not like the food, etc. In careerists – in dissatisfaction with their work. These people are constantly thinking about the fact that they have not done something well enough (because for them everything should always be perfect).

Excessive anxiety interferes a lot with our daily lives. When a person drains all his energy on trifles, he simply lacks the energy to develop something important and new.

People who are in constant anxiety do not have the opportunity to pay attention to things that are not in the circle of things over which they are anxious.

However, there is a positive side to this: such people are the most responsible. Anxiety helps us to pay special attention to important things. Yes, it can be useful, but only if it is not too pronounced. Otherwise, it becomes a real threat to our unrealized opportunities and goals.

Many people manage to live with “chronic” anxiety without feeling how it affects their lives. When a person seeks to control everything – themselves, people, situations – this is a clear warning sign that you should pay close attention to your psychological state.

How to fight eternal anxiety?

First of all, it is impossible to fight anxiety. The fact is that it is a signal of the psyche that she feels danger everywhere. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with the cause of these negative emotions. And secondly, fighting with emotions and feelings is the worst thing you can do, because there is a risk of increasing anxiety in a double volume. What to do then? How can you stop worrying about nothing and improve your mental state?

1. Recognize anxiety

Recognizing anxiety is the first step to your peaceful life. When you realize that there is a problem, you realize that it is important and needs to be addressed.

2. Recognize the cause of the anxiety

An important step in eradicating compulsive anxiety in your life is to see the cause itself. Our world is built on interconnections. If you can figure out why something has been bothering you for a long time, you will be on the right path to getting rid of anxiety.

3. Work on the cause

Now it’s all up to you and your desire. Work on the cause and enjoy an anxiety free life!

Exercises to relieve anxiety

1. “Square” breathing and other techniques

Square breathing works according to the following pattern: on 4 counts – inhale, 4 counts – pause, 4 counts – exhale, 4 counts – pause. This helps to focus on the breath and calm the mind. Simple deep abdominal breathing will also be helpful.

2. Fixing thoughts

It is important to write out your thoughts on paper, because in this case the activity of the brain increases, which also affects concentration. Have a notebook for this purpose. Outline thoughts and experiences honestly, in the flow in which they will go.

This method will help to realize the anxiety and accept the fact of its presence.

3. being in nature

When one is in nature, one automatically slows down, merges with the environment. The mind begins to calm down gradually. Someone can benefit greatly from the practice of shouting in the woods as hard as they can. This is a physical release of emotions, after which the body feels better.

Life without anxiety is the way of a person who is in acceptance and holds the blows of destiny. He is energetic as he directs his energies in the right direction and makes the most of his opportunities.

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