Why am I getting fat on quarantine? The 7 main causes of weight gain

Many people have had to make drastic changes in their lifestyle due to self-isolation. When a new virus spreads outside the window, and you sit in four walls every day, it is difficult to remain still active, cheerful and faithful to healthy habits. And in fact, such a lazy attitude can immediately lead to weight gain. Together with nutritiologist, wellness coach and expert of “Championship” Andrei Semeshov we understand why extra pounds appear in quarantine and, most importantly, how to prevent it.

Reduced activity

There is a way out: move around the apartment more often and organize home workouts.

Staying at home all the time leads to a decrease in activity. If you used to be able to get to work on foot, take walks outside and go to the fitness center, now these opportunities have become temporarily unavailable. They have been replaced by short routes from bed to kitchen and back. In such conditions, our body spends much less energy to maintain vital activity and, accordingly, burns far fewer calories. But there are ways that help you maintain a steady level of activity even in quarantine.

A.S.: I know examples when people are disciplined to walk the norm of steps (10-12 thousand) from corner to corner of the apartment. They listen to music or books, watch TV series. WHO also offers such a lifehack – to take as a rule absolutely all telephone conversations on the move. Since, according to cellular operators, the number and duration of such communications has increased significantly, it will also give a good increase in motor activity. There is also a plan B. Every hour while you are awake, allocate 5-10 minutes for simple exercises: squats, lunges, push-ups, burpees. Set a timer so you don’t skip mini-sessions.

Overeating and poor diet

There is a way out: give preference to full meals prepared from healthy foods.

In conditions of self-isolation appears another dangerous factor for slenderness – round-the-clock availability of the refrigerator. Working at home, now you can almost at any moment reach your hand to another snack, without which you could do without. And it may not consist of healthy products, but of sweet desserts or salty snacks, which are harmful to the figure.

A.S.: The question is mostly not what we eat, but how much we eat. It’s the total amount we eat that decides everything. In the conditions of self-isolation inevitably arises nervousness, boredom. The easiest way to disconnect from worries for a while is to open the refrigerator door. This moment should be taken under control, if there is a need to change the appearance. I never tire of repeating that quarantine is almost ideal conditions to change eating habits. Closed space, the ability to control the contents of the refrigerator and the process of cooking – if only you wanted to.

AS: In our brain there is a thirst center, which in the vast majority of people work without fail. As soon as the level of fluid in the body decreases, it immediately turns on drinking behavior. And we even get water from food. Chicken breast, for example, is about 70% water. Moreover, the body synthesizes about 10% of our daily requirement of moisture by itself in the process of oxidation of food, about 100 ml for every thousand calories eaten. But in order to cover another 50% of the daily norm, we need to drink pure water. And no one has any special problems with obtaining this amount.

Note that water in this regard will not replace any other liquid. Sweet juices, coffee and even tea, especially in large quantities, will not contribute to weight loss. And to get more fluids from food, you should give preference to natural products.

Lack of adequate sleep

There is a way out: follow the sleep schedule and go to bed early to get a good night’s sleep.

It is worth getting rid of the idea that lack of sleep is normal. In fact, it leads to a lack of vitality, awakening of appetite, changes in hormonal background, a decrease in metabolic processes, increased blood sugar levels and accumulation of fluid in the body. All these factors – together and separately – have an impact on weight.

A.S.: There have been many studies with plus or minus one conclusion: those who do not sleep enough, they fall into the risk group for obesity. To get rid of sleep deprivation, first you need to determine the amount of sleep you need. Then try to allocate yourself this time every day. And the cherry on the cake – try to go to bed and wake up on different days. This step is the most difficult for many people. By midnight, so it turns out, and social networks become more interesting, and from books and TV series can not break away.

Stress state

There is a way out: identify the psychological cause of stress and try to get rid of it, exhale.

Stress harms us not only on a psychological level, but also on a physiological level. Any nervous situation creates internal conflict, puts us in a state of tension and anxiety. In addition, a stressful state can lead to hormonal disorders. All of the above consequences often make us eat rampant nerves. But it is much more correct to try to find the original cause of restlessness and get rid of it, even if gradually and perhaps with the help of a specialist.

Hormonal changes

There is a way out: regularly see a doctor to monitor the hormonal background.

In some cases, hormonal changes lead to slower metabolism. For example, women during menopause may gain weight and increase the volume of the hips and abdomen due to a decrease in estrogen levels. Girls should also pay more attention to their menstrual cycle. Before the critical days, weight also increases slightly due to the accumulation of fluid in the body and changes in hormone levels.

Diseases that affect the hormonal background are dangerous for both sexes. Both men and women can lose extra pounds due to hypothyroidism (lack of thyroid hormones), increased levels of cortisol (stress hormone) and aldosterone (adrenal cortex hormone). Therefore, regular check-ups with your doctor are the only sure way to maintain your own health and figure.

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