Why wear a hat in the cold. It’s not just an accessory

Why wear a hat in the cold. It’s not just an accessory

Irina Yuzup

Why wear a hat in winter

It was found out at what temperature this piece of clothing will be mandatory.

In the cold season, a person often faces a dilemma – to wear a hat or not. Since childhood, mothers tell their children about the importance of keeping warm in the head area. It should be said that from the point of view of medicine there is no universal solution – with or without a hat.

Irina Yuzup

pediatrician, nutriciologist

Everything very much depends on several factors.

The temperature on the street. If we talk about an adult, a hat is simply necessary at a temperature of +5 degrees, especially if there is wind. While babies, children up to three years old should wear a hat if it is +15 degrees outside.

Individual characteristics. If you have a predisposition to ENT diseases (acute rhinitis, maxillary sinusitis, adenoids), you should not neglect the hat as soon as you feel the need for it. Otherwise, hypothermia threatens to worsen the state of health, up to the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

Is it possible to get sick with acute respiratory infections or flu in the cold because of the lack of a hat?

There is no direct connection between the lack of a hat and the development of viral diseases. This is simply a myth, walking among people. Excessive cold can weaken the immune system by reducing blood flow, narrowed vessels, which, in turn, worsens the blood supply and protective function of mucous membranes.

But the cold is not the only and even not the main reason for the increase in the percentage of people who fall ill. In the previous material told why we often get sick in the fall.

Walk in the cold without a hat can only be hardened people, but it is worth remembering that even such people have chronic diseases that can progress on the background of hypothermia.

We can come to the conclusion that the hat is still necessary for both children and adults. This article of clothing will reliably protect from maxillary sinuses, otitis media after long walks at low or minus temperatures.

Too much to wrap yourself and the child – is not worth it. If the temperature outside is comfortable, and you are dressed too warmly, overheating and excessive sweating will affect the body as badly as the lack of a hat in the cold.

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