Working out at home. Effective exercises from a fitness trainer

In winter, many of us become practically reclusive in our cozy home hideaway. The plan-maximum for the day is to get to work, and then go home faster, make hot tea and watch New Year’s movies. In the cold weather, it’s hard to force yourself to get to the fitness center, especially if it’s far from home. But do not despair! Together with a fitness trainer of the World Class chain Ekaterina Nekrasova we have prepared a set of exercises for home that will allow you to keep your body toned all winter long.

What should a beginner know before starting a home workout?

Choose exercises according to your level of fitness

A big plus of working out at home is that you can always carve out time for it. All you need to do is overcome your laziness and start training with a good mood. Do it gradually: don’t immediately try to do exercises that are not designed for your level. Otherwise, you simply will not enjoy the sport, and this is the main motivation.

Keep all stimuli away from you

They can suddenly throw off the whole pace of the entire workout. Anything can interfere with your workout: a TV on, a ringing phone or a pet watching you curiously.

Don’t expect quick results

You should understand that beautifully sculpted abs will not appear immediately and your waist will become thinner in a couple of days. Contrary to the slowness of progress, do not give up training and do not think that they will not be of any benefit. Everything will appear, but with time.

Warm up

Be sure to perform a joint warm-up before your workout. After all, it is she who will prepare your body for the upcoming load. It will take literally 5 minutes, so do not be lazy.

Drink water

Don’t forget to drink during your workout – it’s extremely important. A lot of useful substances leave your body with sweat. And when you sweat a lot, the blood becomes thicker, making it harder for your heart to move it.


Starting position: lying on your stomach, arms stretched above your head, legs straight.

As you exhale, lift your arms and legs, tensing your back and buttocks. Hold this position for a second.


Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands at your temples.

As you exhale, lift your shoulder blades off the floor and strongly tense your abs. Traditionally, stay in this position for a second. Return to the starting position, touching the floor with your shoulder blades, but not your head. Do not relax completely until the end of the exercise.

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