3 benefits of running outside that we didn’t think about

Why is running outside better than running in the gym?

An ultramarathoner answers.

Street jogging is not loved by everyone, and someone even with the onset of warmth gives preference to the treadmill. However, running in nature is much more effective than running in the gym. Why? Let’s tell you why.

Alexander Elkonin
ultramarathoner, founder and coach of the running club ERA

Taking running training outdoors opens up a whole new world of possibilities.

Your muscles work harder outdoors

Street jogging is more effective because of external environmental factors. For example, the wind and the surface we run on. They can help us to run or, on the contrary, they can hinder us.

Alexander: If you run at a significant speed outside, your energy expenditure will increase due to air resistance.

As for the surface, in the gym we run on a flat surface, while in the park we have to adjust to the ground or a paved path – with all the holes, hills and stones under our feet. The body works differently because of this.

Alexander: Another reason for high energy expenditure on the street can be additional work of muscles due to turns, small bumps and poor grip of the support with the sole of the shoe.

When running on a track, each step is similar to the other. This is not the case in nature: every bump makes the muscles work harder, including those that were not used when running in the gym. The unstable surface also improves our ability to keep our balance and helps us learn to orient ourselves in space. This is especially useful for those who plan to participate in competitions.

We run faster on the street

Running on a track is controlled by buttons, but outdoors there is no automation. We are trying to cover a long distance as quickly as possible, so the pace increases. On the track, we just run in place, winding up the kilometers.

Alexander: With the same subjective perception of the load, the speed of running on the simulator is much slower than on the stadium. Apparently, due to the lack of visual confirmation of movement when running on a treadmill.

We can run the way we want

In the gym, our running pace is controlled by the track. And this is not always good for professional athletes preparing for starts and especially for trailrunning.

Alexander: Almost all training machines are designed so that both acceleration and braking are smooth for safety reasons. So it is impossible to imitate a quick start and a sudden stop on them.

As well as to change the direction of movement: the track allows you to run only in a straight line. Another big disadvantage for athletes is the inability to quickly change the angle of inclination. Especially since the simulator basically only goes upwards.

Alexander: Paths simulating running uphill are very rare, and their negative slope is very small. Therefore, those who train for cross-country competitions, in the mountains, can’t do without running in nature.

So, you should not run on the track?

Yes. The trainer has advantages that are very valuable for some types of running training.

Alexander: For example, a treadmill allows you to run strictly at a set speed, without speeding up or slowing down. This is important in training for long distances, when you develop a target pace – the speed with which you will run the entire course in competitions. The treadmill can also be a backup for training that you can’t do outdoors. For example, speed work in temperatures below -10-15℃ or in ice.

The running machine proves to be a good help for people living in the plains who are preparing for long climbs in the mountains. By setting the incline of 10% and speed of 10 km/h, you can simulate a climb of 1000 meters for an hour and a half. In the city limits of Moscow you can gain 1000 meters only by running up and down the hill 15-16 times. Few people will take less than two hours. And residents of St. Petersburg have no hills in the city at all.

For most experienced runners with the onset of spring training is definitely transferred to the street. Beginning athletes also have the sense to try to run in nature – it is more interesting and diverse. A treadmill in a fitness club is best left for bad weather.

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