5 reasons to run in the cold. Tips from the head coach of the Running Community

5 reasons to run in the cold. Tips from the Running Community’s head coach

5 reasons to run in the cold

Find out why you shouldn’t be afraid of cold temperatures and how they build character.

With the onset of fall, it becomes more and more difficult to go out for a run. It would seem that grayness, cold, wind, rain, reduced daylight hours, the amount of equipment takes away motivation and takes enough energy to talk yourself into running. But is that really the case? Together with the head coach of Running Community, we’ve put together some reasons for you to run right now.

Sergey Korneev

Running Community head coach

If you have plans and goals for the 2022 running season, running in the fall and winter will help you get quality training and get you up to speed quickly in the spring.

  1. Strengthening your immune system. In today’s realities, this is more relevant than ever. Running in the cold season will harden your body, make it stronger, stronger and more resistant in the fight against any viruses. The main thing – carefully choose the equipment, focusing on the weather conditions. Protect your body from wind and rain with the right clothing. Let a hat, baffle, gloves, long socks become your best friends at this time.
  2. Maintain running volumes. Running in cool weather will help you get in shape for personal records and high results in the coming running season.
  3. Hardening psychologically. Permanent attributes of fall for many people – moping, apathy and even depression. It is running that allows us to fight them, because after jogging we produce the hormone of happiness, which is especially important in the cold season.
  4. We take care of our physical shape (or create it). It’s already time to think about summer. A beautiful body is always in fashion. It is more difficult to keep it in the cold – a time when food becomes more caloric and we are less mobile. In addition, running at such a time is more energy-consuming, and accordingly, the calorie consumption is greater.
  5. We train willpower and a few other qualities. Can you imagine what you will become a hero first of all for yourself, forcing yourself several times a week to get up from the couch and run? You’ll definitely add to your confidence, pride in yourself, productivity, efficiency and performance. Proven by many runners. All it takes is a little hard work and patience.

Ready to fight the cold with your indestructibility? Don’t forget to warm up your muscles in a warm room before you run out the door. And be sure to do a quality warm-up afterward. If you’re bored of running on your own, find like-minded people. Running is in vogue in all weathers. When it’s dark, arm yourself with flashlights, choose lighted areas and add some reflective gear. See you on the run!

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