6 reasons for unexpected weight gain

Going to the gym to lose excess weight, but the scale shows a gain? Don’t panic! You are not alone in this – studies show that this happens to many people very often.

We tell you with trainer Egor Fukalov why this can happen.

Muscle recovery

After physical activity, biochemical reactions occur in muscle cells, which attract additional water – hence the weight gain. This is how muscles recover, and it’s normal. The process usually takes from one to three days – these figures depend on your body, muscle group and the amount of exercise. It also depends on how intensively a person trains and for how long.

Egor Fukalov

Egor Fukalov

Fitness trainer

Experienced athletes usually do not experience swelling after training, but in beginners this outcome is quite likely. Swelling, for example, can be accompanied by strength exercises, because during such a load there are microtraumas of muscles, and this is a stress for the body. There is no need to be frightened, as the adaptation process normalizes.


In the first time after training, you can lose a huge amount of water. If a person weighs, for example, 80-90 kilograms, when he runs 10 kilometers, he will sweat a lot and lose one kilogram of water.

If you do not “replenish” water in time, it will lead to a violation of the water-salt balance in the body. In this case, the level of antidiuretic hormone, responsible for water balance, will increase, and this can contribute to weight gain. Of course, after one training session, the weight will not increase significantly, but after several sessions, this can happen.

It can also manifest itself in the form of swelling, which can make you look fuller. The human body is on average 50-60% water – it can change the body weight by a couple of kilograms. This is where weight fluctuations throughout the day come from.

This is partly why diuretics (diuretics) are so popular – they “drain” excess fluid from the body and give a short-term effect of weight loss. But these drugs are designed to treat various diseases, not to fight excess weight. If you drink enough fluid, the level of antidiuretic hormone and water-salt balance will be normal.

Changes in body mass indexes

Many people hope to come out of the gym weighing at least half a ton less. But this will not happen immediately after training, rather, on the contrary, the numbers on the scale will go up.

Body mass is the sum of the weight of not only fat tissue and muscles, but also bones, fluid, and internal organs. Immediately after training, some of these indicators can change – the muscles are recovering, fluid accumulates in the tissues, and no one has canceled diuresis. For example, if a person drinks plenty of water during and after training, his weight may increase. But it is worth it to sweat or visit the restroom, as the weight will come to normal.

Gaining muscle mass

Regular weight training tones the muscles, they grow – and this, of course, is reflected in the weight. Muscle weighs no more than fat, but muscle tissue has a much higher density than fat tissue. Some people get scared that the numbers on the scale remain the same or even slightly higher. Except that as muscle grows, so does weight. This is normal.

Calorie surplus

Let’s be honest, some people work out just to have a good time at McDonald’s or KFC afterward. Many encourage themselves after a workout, go with a clear conscience to compensate for the calories spent and abuse “healthy” snacks.

Complicates the situation and the fact that after an intense load sometimes appears a strong hunger, which few can resist. All this can lead to the fact that the weight will either stand still or grow.

Egor Fukalov

Egor Fukalov

Fitness trainer

After physical exertion there is indeed an increased appetite. After all, a person spends a lot of energy, and the body increases protein synthesis to restore those tissues that were destroyed in the process of training.

Abuse of proteins and carbohydrates

Many beginners think they need a lot of protein. It is clear that protein is an important part of a sports diet, but it should not be abused. In addition to the fact that it can lead to a load on the kidneys, excess protein can also affect the weight.

As for carbohydrates, only professional athletes need them in large quantities before a race, for example. So if your run lasts less than two hours, you don’t need too many carbohydrates.

In general, ask any expert and he will tell you that weight is not the main indicator of success. Focus not on numbers, but on changes in body quality. Buy a scale with a body composition analyzer – they show the percentage of fat and muscle, bone tissue, water, visceral fat content. Some models can even tell you whether your weight has changed due to muscle, fat or water. Don’t fixate on your weight and look in the mirror more often – it will give you a more accurate picture of your appearance.

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