8 things that make a man attractive in a woman’s eyes

Alexandra Bergitte

psychologist, mentor of women’s wisdom, creator of “Lady’s School” and “Royal Posture and Gait”

A real man is a man who possesses a certain set of qualities. Which are? Confidence, responsibility, determination, masculinity, courage, strength, generosity. In other words, he is a winner. Can he be recognized out of millions? Yes.


Straight back and shoulders pulled back – the main signs of health, life resource, confidence and success. An interesting observation is that among the men on Forbes magazine’s list, there is not a single slouch.

Have you ever noticed that if you tell a person pleasant news, his back automatically “straightens”? This indicates his openness to the world around him. The principle works the other way around. Why? You want to kind of “close” from reality.

5 signs of a really smart man. You can check yourself against the list at the link.

In psychosomatics it is believed that a slouching person sags under the weight of problems. It can also indicate low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence. In turn, a straight back speaks of an inner core, firmness of character. Not for nothing there is an expression “royal posture”. Such a man will look more successful than others.


It is formed in the process of life of each person. At the same time, it is influenced by many factors. This heredity, lifestyle, activity, structure of the musculoskeletal system, psychological traumas and diseases. Can change depending on the mood of a person.

What kind of gait do women like? Steady, confident and purposeful. When walking, a man should not sway from side to side, also drag his feet.

Movements and poses

Movements – clear and complete. There is no habit of repeating meaningless actions. For example, swing a leg, twist a pen in his hands, tapping his fingers on the table.

How does a brutal man stand? Firmly, spreading his legs shoulder-width apart, does not cross them, does not remean. On the chair sits with a straight posture, face and body turned to the interlocutor. On a soft chair or sofa slightly leaning on the back.

Tell us how to count the emotions of a person and his attitude to you by facial expressions and gestures, in the material.


An important role in positioning yourself for a man plays hairstyle. Ideally, the hair should be short-cut. This is a sign of brutality. In this case, the length can reach the shoulders, but in this case they are combed back or tucked into a hairstyle, opening the forehead.

Bangs covering the eyes – a sign of weakness, insecurity and desire to live at the expense of women. This factor indicates an alfonso. Hair below the shoulders, especially if a man wears it loose, can be just an attribute of the creative profession. Do not forget that it is also a sign of a strong influence of mom.

Broad shoulders

Unconsciously women like men with a V-shaped figure. He has broad shoulders and narrow hips. Why? Remember the famous statue of David. Michelangelo’s work is a standard of strength and masculinity. Since ancient times, muscles have been considered a sign of good health and physical strength. Girls automatically give positive qualities to guys with broad shoulders. This is due to genetics.

Strong-willed chin

A massive and “dominant” jaw of a man has always been considered a sign of brutality. Ideally, it should also have well-defined angles. Why does the chin speak of brutality? In adolescence, testosterone is responsible for the growth of bones wide.

In physiognomy it is an indicator of a determined personality. A man will always achieve his own, he is a leader. It is important to remember that a strong-willed chin significantly adds age, although outwardly it gives the image of confidence.

A vivid example of the “correct” jaw among modern men is Hollywood actor Rami Malek.


Slight unshavenness is now in trend. Women have always considered it sexy. It’s simple. Because it is associated with reliability and maturity of men. On a subconscious level, girls have the impression that behind him as behind a stone wall. It is worth remembering, this does not apply to lush vegetation on the face.

Even in ancient Russia hair on the face equated to male strength. The best groom was the one who had thick vegetation. Until the XVII century to shave was considered a crime.

Wide, straight eyebrows

They play a more significant role than the eyes, because they convey all our emotions and, of course, “say” a lot about us. How to realize that in front of you brutal? He will have thick, straight eyebrows. Such a guy has everything under control. He is assertive, self-confident, authoritarian and demands total obedience in everything.

What do we mean by “real man”? What is masculinity and how to pump it up? Look for tips from a sports psychologist HERE.
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