9 effective glute exercises for the lazy. You won’t have to move far from your chair

If you want beautiful and firm buttocks, but you don’t want to train hard now, we have found a way out. Together with fitness trainer Yanelia Skrypnyk, we will conduct a “lazy” butt workout. There will be no complicated exercises, but we can guarantee muscle tone. Don’t forget to supplement sports with proper nutrition, then the result will be twice as good.

Janelia Skripnik

fitness trainer and blogger

Today we will perfectly pump the buttocks. For training we will need only a chair.

The class will be intuitive: the time or the number of repetitions will be determined by you. But if you want to work out together with a trainer, we have indicated the approximate time under each exercise.

Hip extension at an inclination of 45 degrees


  • Sit on the floor on the side of the chair. We rest our elbow on the seat, the body should be tilted at 45 degrees. One leg is on the floor on the knee, the second leg is slightly bent, we will work with it.
  • Raise the thigh up, staying in the upper point for one second.
  • Lower it to the starting position.
  • The pace is calm, do the exercise slowly.
  • Turn over to the other side and repeat the movement on the other leg.

Do the exercise for 1.5 minutes on each side.

Hip extension at an inclination of 45 degrees


  • Sit on the floor on the side of the chair. We rest our elbow on the seat, the body should be tilted at 45 degrees. One leg is on the floor on the knee, the second is slightly bent.
  • Bring the feet together. On the inhale lift the pelvis up, spreading the hips apart.
  • On the exhalation, bring the legs together and lower to the starting position.
  • Turn over to the other side and repeat the movement on the other leg.

Do the exercise for 1.5 minutes on each side.


Execution technique

  • Sit the same way, leaning sideways on the seat of the chair, the body at an inclination of 45 degrees.
  • Raise the thigh up and make three springing movements, then lower the thigh.
  • Repeat the movements from the beginning.
  • Turn over to the other side and do the same on the other leg.

Do the exercise for 1.5 minutes on each side.

Forward and backward leg kick


  • Sit the same way, leaning sideways on the seat of the chair, the body at an inclination of 45 degrees.
  • The straight leg, which we are working with, first bring it forward in front of us.
  • Then bend it and bring it back.
  • Repeat the movements from the beginning.
  • Turn over to the other side and do the same for the other leg.

Do the exercise for 1.5 minutes on each side.

Raising the leg up


  • Stand facing the chair, rest both hands on the seat. Straight legs stand on the toes. You get a plank position on straight arms.
  • Pull the knee of one leg to the chair, the other knee is also bent a little.
  • Then bring the working leg back and up. At the top point, squeeze the buttocks.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the movement.
  • Do the same on the other leg.

Do the exercise for 1.5 minutes on each side.

Sprung facing the chair


  • Stand in a plank on straight arms, hands resting on the seat of the chair. Legs straight.
  • Pull the knee of one leg to the chair, the other leg is also slightly bent.
  • Bring the straight leg back and up. At the top point make three springing movements.
  • Lower back to the starting position and do it all over again.
  • Do the same for the other leg.

Do the exercise for 1.5 minutes on each side.

Flexion and extension of the hips in the plank


  • Stand in a plank on straight arms, with the hands resting on the seat of the chair. Legs straight.
  • Raise one leg and start to do bending-extension in the knee, the heel stretches to the buttock. Keep the leg in balance the whole time.
  • Do the same movement on the other leg.

Do the exercise for 1.5 minutes on each side.

Lifting legs alternately


  • Lie on your stomach on the seat of a chair, legs stretched out and standing on your toes. Hold yourself with your hands to prevent falling down.
  • Alternately lift up the right and left leg. Legs are straight, we do not bend them during the lifts.

Do the exercise for 1.5 minutes.



  • Lie on your stomach on the seat of the chair, feet together, hips slightly apart. Use your hands to hold yourself so that you do not fall.
  • In this position, lift your legs up, tensing your buttocks.
  • Hold in the upper point for a second and go down.

Do the exercise for 1.5 minutes.

This is the end of our training. For detailed technique of exercises and Janelia’s comments, see the video.

After the workout, you need to stretch your gluteal muscles well. Do a couple of stretching exercises or MFR-complex with a massage roll. If you chose the second option, good full-body exercises can be found in our article.

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