Are raw eggs so healthy? What happens if you eat them every day

Are raw eggs so healthy? What happens if you eat them every day

What happens if you eat raw eggs every day?

They are advised to drink them to singers, and the breakfast of many athletes does not do without them.

Is it possible to eat raw eggs every day? What are they useful? What can be dangerous raw eggs?

Let’s find out together with a nutritionist.

Eggs are a universal product that is in the refrigerator of almost every person. They can be added to various dishes, both sweet and salty. Cooked hard-boiled, soft-boiled, baked, fried, scrambled. Eggs are an indispensable product in the kitchen of any hostess, but do you often think about the benefits of eggs, especially raw? How do they affect the human body?

Elena Doronkina

Nutrition expert, founder of GetVegetable, a nutrition delivery service.

Opinion on raw eggs tends to be divided into two opposing opinions. Some believe that eggs are a very healthy and nutritious product just in their raw form. Others argue that they can only be eaten cooked.

First of all, it is important to note that if you have the idea to try raw eggs, you should buy a farmer’s egg, as the health risk will be lower and the benefits higher.

The yolk, on the other hand, is very difficult to digest because it contains fat-soluble vitamins and a whole range of fatty acids. As for calories, there are about 150 kcal in an ordinary chicken egg.

What are the benefits of raw eggs?

  • Raw eggs contain a large number of useful substances and vitamins: A, B, E, D, PP, as well as iron, iodine, manganese, potassium, calcium and others.
  • One raw egg contains a daily dose of macronutrients and protein, which is responsible for building new cells. Raw eggs are good for those who follow the figure and are engaged in sports. Thanks to the protein, muscle mass is built up.
  • Creative people and singers doctors recommend drinking raw eggs to strengthen the vocal cords. It’s all about the fact that raw egg moisturizes the throat mucosa.
  • The protein of raw egg has a favorable effect on the gastrointestinal tract and will be useful for those who suffer from stomach problems.
  • Raw egg white can be used for home cosmetic procedures. It prevents hair loss, and also fights dry scalp and face skin.

How can raw eggs be dangerous?

  • There is a possibility of getting infected with salmonellosis. Harmful bacteria can be on the surface of the egg, so it is worth washing it thoroughly before consumption. By the way, farm eggs have thicker shells, but there is still a risk of catching bacteria even in this case.
  • Eggs are on the list of products that most often cause allergic reactions in people. Especially if eaten raw.
  • Raw eggs are not recommended for people who suffer from high blood cholesterol. It can cause atherosclerosis or provoke vascular disease.
  • Raw eggs carry a danger for children’s organism. Since it is not yet strong, it is more difficult for it to resist harmful bacteria.
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