Challenge accepted: 5 challenging sports Challenges from blogger Alexey Stolyarov

Alexey Stolyarov is a popular sports blogger with an audience of 2.13 million subscribers on his YouTube channel and 500 thousand on Instagram, founder of a fitness clothing brand, master of original challenges and guest of honor at the SN PRO EXPO FORUM International Festival of Sports and Healthy Lifestyle. The blogger himself modestly calls himself “Damn King”. Let’s see if you can take his challenge.

“I realized that it is necessary to entertain the audience and decided to invent and perform different challenges. I was watching western bloggers on TikTok, and that’s where I saw jumping over toilet paper. Thought, why not do push-ups with claps through the paper. Ideas for the rest of the tasks just spontaneously came to mind. The result – during the quarantine in the Instagram account + 40 thousand subscribers”.

Together with Alexey, we have compiled a selection of the top 5 of his most difficult sports challenges. The blogger assures that these exercises require average physical preparation, and even a schoolboy can cope with them. But we doubt something. We suggest everyone to check themselves and try to repeat after Stolyarov. Let’s go!

Be sure that there is nothing around you that can interfere with the chellege. And in some cases, it is better to put something soft on the floor.

5th place – clap push-ups through toilet paper

“This is the easiest chellenge on this list. I managed to jump over 13 rolls of paper and it was easy enough because I’ve done something like this before. In general, you can come up with a lot of tasks with toilet paper.”

4th place – 15 push-ups

“In this video I do three types of push-ups, each repeated 5 times: regular push-ups, with a clap and athlete push-ups.”

3rd place – leg hopping

“I have a hard time with such tasks because I have a very weak stretch. But at the same time I never rehearse Challenges, if I get funny and clumsy, I will definitely put it in the video. The funnier the video, the cooler”.

2nd place – push-ups with jumping on chairs

“This is one of my most challenging Challenges. The chairs are wobbly as they are not clearly secured, so it’s really scary to do it.”

1st place – handstand

“Undeniably this is number one on my top 5 list. I can still stand on my hands for 15 seconds max. I try to practice the handstand often, but still could do it even more often if my coach was watching me. But as it is, once or three times a week.”

For newcomers, the blogger advises watching TikTok rather than following old-school bodybuilders because, in his opinion, these people are not ready for the way reality is changing. “Unfortunately, they only heckle the younger generation. Look at the Western bloggers who are moving and evolving together.”

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