How did the samurai live and train to develop endurance and find inner peace?

Samurai are warriors who were in the service of the emperor. Their history goes back to feudal times. It was then that a class of noble warriors, whose status was inherited, was born. The word “samurai” came from the ancient Japanese verb “samurau”, which means to serve”. They were also called “bushi”, which translates as “warrior”. Hence the name of the code of rules governing the life of a samurai – the Bushido Code. In it were collected norms of behavior, techniques of combat and ways of inner concentration.

The principles of bushido were described most fully and clearly by Yamamoto Tsunetomo, a samurai from the Saga Principality in Hidzen Province. His most famous work is “Hagakure. Hidden in the foliage.” It is from here that heroic quotes about the path, honor, and other philosophical categories are most often taken. However, Yamamoto Tsunetomo also described more practical aspects: regulation of everyday life, training methods, etc.

Also interesting is the philosophical treatise “The Book of 5 Rings” (XVII century), belonging to the Japanese ronin Miyamoto Musashi. It is a kind of a collection of recommendations from samurai mentors. A kind of practical manual. If you want to adopt the training system of these warriors, then systematic knowledge can be picked up here.

How did the samurai work on themselves?

From the age of eight, future warriors underwent special physical training to become invincible in battle. It included not only daily sports training and honing their weapons skills. Much attention was paid to the development of spirituality and education.

Emil Akhundov

Emil Akhundov

researcher of martial arts, commercial director at the Research Institute for the Development of Public Education

The grueling training of samurai nurtured in them strength, agility, calmness and the ability to navigate in space. In addition, to develop their intelligence and logical thinking, it was important for them to be able to read and write. Also, the unity of body and mind played a key role in the training of samurai. To improve their concentration and stay calm and collected in battle, they used various meditation techniques.

The basic techniques that were necessary for successful training included many types of martial arts: kendo, aikido, karate, judo and many others. Each samurai chose the art form he liked best and found most comfortable.

A distinctive feature in the training of the samurai is inner concentration. This is where they differ from another famous Japanese warrior, the ninja. For the samurai it was important to keep equanimity and fortitude under any circumstances. That’s why they spent a lot of time on meditation along with sports training. Ninjas, being spies in essence, put a lot of emphasis on physical data. Their main task was to be fast, stealthy and inconspicuous.

In addition to honing their martial arts, the samurai practiced running, jumping, climbing steep walls, swimming and weightlifting to develop excellent physical skills.

Bushi also practiced with weapons such as swords and spears. Future warriors were assigned a special room in the house for these purposes. They also practiced karate and sword fencing to keep their bodies slim and develop coordination.

Samurai were not allowed to appear in public before dinner. They strictly observed the daily routine and rose at dawn. On special days, such as celebrations of important events, warriors could stay up all night.

Also important in the life of Japanese warriors was a healthy diet. Their diet consisted of a lot of fruits, vegetables, rice and seafood. They often practiced starvation to be ready to endure the harsh hardships of warfare.

Samurai are not only famous warriors and martial artists, but also an example of fortitude, endurance and self-discipline. Today, you can use their example to develop your body and mind.

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