How do wet wipes affect my skin?

Wet wipes have become an essential part of everyday life for many. Convenient in their portability, they differ not only in odors to suit all tastes, but also in functionality. However, the most popular now are the antibacterial ones. In an attempt to protect themselves from infection, people use disinfectant en masse. But do wet wipes provide reliable protection? And can they replace a shower after a workout? Let’s find out together with dermatologist Yulia Galliamova.

Yulia Galliamova

Yulia Galliamova


Expert of “Championship”

Is it possible to use wipes and not wash your hands?

Ordinary soap kills up to 72% of bacteria, the expert notes. You do not need to be a scientist to realize that people who regularly wash their hands, get sick several times less often. Despite this, modern life on the run does not always give such an opportunity Then to help come to the rescue wipes that easily fit into any bag. But will they be as effective in the fight against germs?

Yulia Galliamova

Julia Galliamova


Even antibacterial wipes do not contain such an amount of antiseptic, which would have a full disinfecting effect. I believe that wipes are cosmetic products that remove only superficial skin impurities. Because of the short duration of exposure, the disinfecting effect is not as great as that now required of alcohol wipes, antiseptics, gels and hand lotions for coronavirus. There are specific World Health Organization recommendations for such products. I don’t think that ordinary wet wipes meet all these requirements, so we can’t put much hope in their antiseptic qualities. It is a convenient form just to remove dirt from your hands if you don’t have a chance to wash them.

Do wet wipes protect against viruses?

The number of people infected with coronavirus in Russia is growing again, so one of the pressing questions now is the effectiveness of wet wipes in the fight against COVID-19.

Yulia Galliamova

Yulia Galliamova


Of course, with the help of antibacterial wipes can not be protected from the virus But this does not mean that we should completely abandon them. Wipes in any case will play a certain role. Their main task is to eliminate contaminants on hands and surfaces. Do not expect from them a strong antibacterial and antiseptic effect.

Can wet wipes cause allergies?

Wipes are often used on delicate areas: for makeup removal, baby care and intimate hygiene. In such matters, the maximum level of reliability and confidence in the absence of harmful components in the composition is always required. Some experts note the increased frequency of complaints about allergic reactions caused by the use of this hygiene product.

Yulia Galliamova

Julia Galliamova


I would not say that wipes are a frequent cause of skin reactions. Like any cosmetic product, regardless of whether it is a cream or lotion. They may contain an ingredient that you can’t tolerate. Then allergic reactions may appear: redness or itching. If wet wipes are certified (have a certificate of conformity and quality), they contain only those components that are harmless to the skin. But still you need to take into account individual intolerance.

Can wet wipes spread infection?

A few years ago, scientists from Cardiff University published a study according to which wipes not only do not destroy bacteria, but also increase their number.

Yulia Galliamova

Yulia Galliamova


I’m not sure that they spread infection. The only nuance is the expiration date. If the wipes are expired, the active components – preservatives that prevent the multiplication of bacteria, cease to work. Only then can they become a source of multiplication of infections.

Is it possible to replace wet wipes with a shower after training?

Despite the contradictory characteristics, you should not completely abandon the use of wipes. You can only moderately limit their use.

Yulia Galliamova

Julia Galliamova


As I said, you can not completely exclude wet wipes from your life. This is a definite help, the ability to quickly clean surfaces. But you should not confuse their effect with complete disinfection. In any case, if there is no other possibility, wet wipes are an indispensable thing that must be present without fail.

It is impossible to completely replace the shower after training with wipes. But they can be used as a temporary measure if you need to save time. Wet wipes will help you freshen up after the class, but you still need to go to the shower when you get home.

How to choose wet wipes?

Yulia Galliamova

Yulia Galliamova


When choosing wipes should pay attention to their composition and functions. If the composition contains, for example, herbs, it is unlikely that they will have a therapeutic effect. Most likely, these are low concentrations of components that are used solely as a marketing move. The same goes for fragrances. If you use wipes to remove makeup, they will have a weak bactericidal effect. Also in the composition of wipes can be various acids that are recommended for the treatment of certain skin problems. You should use them only on the recommendation of a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

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