How does bathing affect health and when should you go there?

How does a bath affect health and when should you go there?

How does bathing affect health?

It has an effect on different systems of the body, and therefore it is worth being especially careful with such a procedure.

What is the usefulness of the bath? How does the bath affect the body? Is it possible to go to the bath with a cold?

We understand together with the therapist.

Many believe that a hot bath or sauna – a cure for all diseases. And if you visit it regularly, then you can strengthen immunity and reduce the risk of disease. But everything is not so unambiguous.

Marina Kazakova


Bath is primarily the impact of high temperature on the human body. Accordingly, different systems and organs will have different effects.

However, if you have serious cardiovascular diseases, then with baths and other similar procedures should be extremely cautious. It is better to consult a doctor the day before.

What should be remembered when going to the bath?

Being in the steam room is always associated with dehydration. A person sweats intensely enough, releases water with respiration, so, of course, you need to constantly replenish the volume of fluid in the body.

As for the respiratory system, if a person is healthy, there are no contraindications to visiting the bathhouse. If there are certain chronic diseases, it is necessary to talk to the attending physician. For example, in patients with bronchial asthma humid hot air can cause quite serious exacerbations and even attacks.

In the state of colds to visit the baths therapist still does not recommend. This will be an additional load on the cardiovascular system. And not every body is able to withstand it.

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