How does sportswear help you lead a healthy lifestyle?

How does clothing affect lifestyle and eating habits?

Let’s find out together with a psychologist and psychotherapist.

Few people do not know the expression “In a healthy body – a healthy spirit”. But have you ever wondered what influences more: the body on the state of mind or vice versa? Let’s leave this dispute to philosophers and say that in any case they are interconnected – the external certainly influences the internal and vice versa. Let’s find out whether sportswear motivates to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right and why.

Elizaveta Dulkina

psychologist, specialist in the correction of eating disorders

Clothes do affect the way we feel.

The point is different. Clothing often acts as a kind of boundary between the individual and the social. On the one hand, we seem to “live” in them, but on the other hand, they are designed for going out. That is, by wearing this or that outfit, we nonverbally communicate something to the world about ourselves and our condition. Even if you put on something out of habit, on an unconscious level there are hidden motives behind it. For example, sloppy appearance may well be a protest, rebellion or an attempt to attract attention, says the psychologist.

If you put on pajamas, most likely, you will not want to actively work and will pull towards the couch. And vice versa, in a new beautiful jacket is unlikely to be comfortable to rest. In sportswear, you may well think about going to the gym.

Anna Vladimirova


Sportswear directs you and your attention towards being active and taking care of your body.

Does sportswear encourage you to eat healthier?

Many people associate sportswear with the theme of healthy living, movement and vigor. Why? It is because on an unconscious level it awakens the desire to explore physical strength, endurance, flexibility. In the same sportswear we feel easy and comfortable – nothing is tight or constricting anywhere.

Elizabeth: It is interesting that the theme of sports has an important loophole for the psyche, which allows you to use your aggressiveness, but in a positive way. After all, if I am a girl and walk in heels, I will automatically try to keep my posture and my body will be tense and stiff in many ways. And if I’m wearing sneakers, a comfortable tracksuit, I can sit or lie down as I feel comfortable.

This goes for other habits as well, including eating. When we’re dressed in sportswear, we feel like a kind of HEA ambassadors and often prefer healthier foods. Especially since there is a part of everyone that wants to be healthy both physically and mentally. And then external attributes can act as a catalyst to form and maintain new healthy habits.

Psychologists recommend experimenting with self-help options, because the brain is lazy and likes to do things the same old way. So, if a motivator like clothing finds a deep resonance in your psyche, gradually new healthy habits will become commonplace and grow into a way of life.

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