Who among us hasn’t wanted to burn as many calories as possible in a workout? But no matter how hard we worked out, most of us probably didn’t make it to a thousand. We’ve found five ways to help you burn the coveted thousand. But be very careful and do not abuse such exercises – for such a result you will have to work really hard.
instrutor de fitness
Burn 1000 kcal in one intensive training, of course, it is possible, but you should not do it often. The thing is that you plan to “burn” about half of your daily ration, and for the body it is a stress. The muscles will be very tired, and they will need a good recovery. Getting adequate sleep and protein foods will help with this. It’s also important to consider your health restrictions. Approach such energy-consuming workouts as thoughtfully as possible.
Important! The number of calories expended per workout will depend on gender, age, metabolic rate, muscle development and physique.
How much you can burn in an hour: 400 kcal.
How many 1000 kcal can be burned in an hour: 2.5 hours.
Running is one of the most versatile and affordable ways to lose weight. But it has pitfalls that need to be taken into account. It is necessary to choose comfortable clothes and shoes, choose a suitable terrain, preferably with a rubber surface for good shock absorption, learn to breathe properly. To increase the effectiveness of training, professional runners use leg weights. If you do not have such an opportunity, practice running uphill or cross-country: this will increase calorie expenditure. To spend calories at the expense of fat, it’s important to keep your heart rate in the right zone – somewhere between 60-70% of your maximum HR.
How much you can burn in an hour: 270 kcal.
How much can you expend 1000 kcal in: 3.7 hours.
A long bike ride will not only help you spend the right amount of calories, but will also give your legs a good workout and relieve stress on your knee joints. Bicycling is an indispensable way of training for those who have health problems that do not allow them to do, for example, running. The most effective cycling will be on rough terrain. A large number of ascents and descents will positively affect the result of training.
Skipping rope
How much you can burn in an hour: 600 kcal.
How many 1000 kcal can be burned in an hour: 1.6 hours.
The jump rope is a real cardio machine. With its help you will load the muscles of arms, legs, buttocks and back, tighten the stomach, as well as improve coordination and learn to keep balance. You can jump with different intensities, adding new elements and types of jumps. The energy expenditure will depend not only on the intensity, but also on your weight. On average, it is 9 kcal per kilogram of weight. That is, if you weigh 60 kg, you can burn about 600 kcal for an hour of training.
How much you can burn at one time: 1.4 kcal.
How much you need to do to burn 1000 kcal: 714 burpees.
This “explosive” exercise engages the muscles of the whole body and is very energy-consuming. Not everyone can do a lot of burpees without stopping. The exercise includes several elements: first you stand at a lying position and do push-ups, then jump to a sitting position and from this position jump up, extending your arms. For 10 minutes of burpees you can spend about 140 kcal.
How much you can burn in an hour: 220 kcal.
How much can you burn in 1000 kcal: 5 hours.
Walking, like any other physical activity, burns calories. The minus is that they are burned slowly enough. But after all, you combine the pleasant with the useful, so it is unlikely that anyone will remain dissatisfied with the result. Choosing a place for a walk, pay attention to the park or forest. And not only because the air there is cleaner and walk more pleasant. It’s all about the uneven surface, due to which the load on the body will increase. Try changing your pace during your walk: brisk walking will help you burn calories faster.
For detailed comments, see the video.
Remember that weight loss requires a systematic approach with regular workouts, proper diet and proper recovery. Do not chase to burn as many calories as possible, and give preference to slow but healthy weight loss.