How to eat with insulin resistance? The doctor mentioned the basic rules

What is insulin resistance? What can and cannot be eaten in this disorder? What rules to follow? Let’s understand with an endocrinologist.

Insulin resistance (IR) is a decrease in the sensitivity of peripheral tissues to insulin, regardless of whether it is produced by the body (endogenous insulin) or comes from outside (exogenous insulin).

Veronika Ochirova

Endocrinologist, FNAC FMBA of Russia

Simply put, because of this disorder, glucose circulates in the blood, but does not enter the cells and does not provide them with the necessary amount of energy.

Lack of glucose in the cells, the body tries to make up for it by releasing large amounts of insulin. The pancreas is overloaded, performing double or even triple work.

Over time, the organ’s reserves are depleted, and a person can develop type 2 diabetes.

Insulin resistance, as a rule, does not manifest itself with specific symptoms. Such a violation is usually detected accidentally during the diagnosis of pathologies not associated with IR.

People with insulin resistance have a significantly increased risk of developing diabetes mellitus. Proper nutrition in this case helps to maintain a normal weight and improves health.

Therefore, such patients need to follow a certain diet, which consists in limiting the consumption of carbohydrates and fats of animal origin (table #9).

What are carbohydrates and what do they contain? In the link, the nutriciologist named 22 products.

The most important thing is to constantly monitor your weight, control your body mass index and do not gain extra pounds at the expense of fatty tissue.

If a person suffers from overweight, he should follow a diet with a caloric deficit. In this case, it is important to observe the norm of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BGU).

In insulin resistance, the daily diet should consist of 50-55% of carbohydrates, 30% of fats and 10-15% of proteins. It is desirable to use products with a low glycemic index.

The glycemic index is an index that indicates the rate of breakdown of products in the body and their transformation into glucose and the amount of insulin released by the pancreas in response to this product.

Low glycemic index foods have:

  • beef;
  • turkey;
  • chicken, chicken eggs;
  • seafood;
  • cucumbers, tomatoes;
  • white cabbage;
  • radishes;
  • oranges, pears, apples;
  • buckwheat porridge, wheat;
  • whole wheat bread, hard pasta;
  • quinoa;
  • oatmeal;
  • brown rice;
  • leaf lettuce;
  • mushrooms.

The most calories should be consumed at breakfast. It is also recommended to eat fruit in the morning, but in moderation. Lunch should be 30% of the daily calorie intake. Dinner is the lowest calorie meal.

What happens if you skip breakfast? Who should not do it? The answers to these questions will be found at the link.

Exclude from the diet should be all types of sugar:

  • honey;
  • various syrups;
  • semolina;
  • bakery and muffin products made of high-grade flour;
  • all kinds of alcohol;
  • candy, chocolate;
  • candy;
  • chips, snacks;
  • carbonated sweet drinks, energy drinks, packet juices.
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