How to pump up your back without dumbbells? 4 best exercises for a beginner
You’ll need a band expander.
Strengthening your back is an important part of your body’s harmonious development. Most often dumbbells are used to strengthen these muscles, but not everyone likes to work with weights. If you are one of those who do not like weight training or just like to work out at home, our today’s set of exercises is for you.
World Class fitness trainer
To strengthen and grow your back muscles, you need all kinds of pulls. The simplest exercise at home is pulling up on a bar. If the projectile is not at home, it will definitely be found on the street.
- Hook your hands on the bar, straighten your arms.
- On the exhale pull up, bending your arms at the elbows and trying to touch the bar with your chin.
- Ao inspirar, volte à posição inicial.
Perform 5-7 repetitions.
If the usual pull-ups are difficult, you can tie a rubber expander to the bar and step on it with your feet. It will take part of the load on itself, and the exercise will be much easier.
Pulling up to the waist with one hand with an espander
- Fasten the expander under the foot of the leg in front of you.
- Put the other leg back, lean forward slightly, keep your back straight.
- If the left leg is in front of you, hold the handle of the handpiece with your right hand.
- As you exhale, bend your arm at the elbow and pull the handle to your waist.
- Ao inspirar, volte à posição inicial.
Perform 10-15 repetitions for each side.
Standing pull with an espander
- Put your feet a little more than shoulder width, tie an expander around your feet so that it is stretched when you stand at full height with your arms down.
- As you inhale, slowly bend over, keeping your back straight.
- As you exhale, slowly straighten up as well, pulling the expander.
Perform 10-15 repetitions.
Pulling to the waist with two hands with an expander
- Put your feet slightly wider than shoulder width, fix the expander under your feet.
- Pull your pelvis back a little, lean forward, keep your back straight.
- Use your hands to grasp the handles of the expander.
- As you exhale, pull your arms to your waist, bending them at the elbows.
- Ao inspirar, volte à posição inicial.
Perform 10-15 repetitions and repeat the whole complex again.
Train not for quantity, but for quality: first of all, you need to work out the technique of performing exercises, so that then you can do them automatically. And if you want to diversify your training plan, you can look at TRX-type suspension loops. They will allow you to include a lot of interesting exercises in the training.