Not just girls: 5 famous men who practice yoga

According to statistics, the majority of those who practice yoga are women. But for men the practice can also be useful. It is not only about physical health, although it is also about mental and spiritual health. World-famous actors, singers and representatives of show business prove it day by day.

Adam Levine

The former boyfriend of Russian tennis player Maria Sharapova, Maroon 5 frontman Adam Levine came to yoga from the gym. He confessed that he became frightened by his own appearance: in the mirror, the first thing he looked at was his thick neck. And the pain in his spine finally convinced Adam that he needed to try another activity.

Levin took up hatha yoga. Adam practices every day, and concert organizers prepare a special room for him to practice.

I was fortunate enough to take up yoga. It has had a profoundly positive impact on my life… I’ve learned to strive for the best while being content with what I have.


The British musician got hooked on yoga more than a quarter century ago. At the time, Sting was already 40. The singer, who has always shown excellent physical shape, decided to try it on the advice of a friend, came to the class and… could not repeat a single asana. But very quickly Sting grasped all the wisdom of yoga.

The man practices so-called jivamukti yoga. Literally it translates as “liberation in life”, but in fact this term means enlightenment.

Yoga has become a part of my life – now it is easier for me to cope with my responsibilities as a father and husband, and to communicate with people. Yoga has taught me to recognize my own capabilities.

Robert Downey Jr.

Now Robert Downey Jr. is one of the highest paid stars in Hollywood. And in 2001, he struggled with addiction, even was arrested for drug possession. But managed to get rid of his addiction with the help of yoga. Mentor actor was Vinnie Marino, who practiced with a student flow yoga and hatha yoga. The man went from being an addict to becoming Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes.

Downey Jr. says that the practices give him an influx of positive emotions and strength, but does not advertise the hobby. In any case, in his “Instagram” there are no photos from the classes. But for many years of regular exercise, he has learned a lot: not only simple asanas, but also complex poses that develop strength and flexibility.

David Duchovny

Agent Fox Mulder from “The X-Files” became interested in yoga while studying literature at Princeton and Yale.

First, the actor studied treatises on raja yoga, which taught him patience and the ability to perceive the world as it is. And then he began to practice, after which he realized that only yoga brings us all closer to perfection. Duchovny regularly communicates with Indian mentors.

Ricky Martin

The actor and musician from Puerto Rico uses yoga to strengthen his body and purify his mind. Martin prefers to practice at home, not somewhere in the hall in front of others. For Ricky, this is important because in communion with himself he achieves harmony of body, breath and mind. He practices the most common hatha yoga, performing almost any asana.

In all situations, the stamina gained from practicing yoga helps. Every class brings clarity to my life.

The list could go on for a long time, as yoga is among the hobbies of Hugh Jackman, Jon Bon Jovi, Woody Harrelson, Matthew McConaughey and many others.

All in all, yoga is definitely not just for women. Visual effect from the gym is much higher, because pumped biceps and abs by asanas alone will not get. But the practices allow you to become calm and wise even in the most difficult situations, learn to concentrate and give psychological confidence. It is a whole culture that you need to understand in order to start benefiting from it.

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