Reusable cups and recycling: 7 easy ways to become eco-friendly

While many people are aware of environmental issues, few people think about how they can personally contribute to the fight against them. Taking care of the environment is not necessarily a complicated and costly endeavor. On the contrary, the increasingly popular principles of zero-waste and conscious consumption are helping to save money. Today we’re sharing a few eco-lifestyle tricks that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine.

Reduce your plastic consumption

We’re sure you’ve heard many times about reusable bottles and coffee cups, but that doesn’t negate their importance. It’s better to buy one quality water bottle that will last for months than to buy a disposable one every time. The same applies to paper cups for coffee. In some establishments, visitors with their own containers even make discounts, which allows you to save a little.

Refuse plastic tubes. They are not recyclable, take a long time to decompose naturally and pollute the environment.

Give preference to products on a bulk basis. For example, it is better to buy greens at the market without plastic packaging. In addition, chain stores are gradually appearing, where you can buy cereals, butter and other products in bulk and put them in their own containers.

Say no to disposable bags

Say no to disposable bags and replace them with canvas bags. Not only is it environmentally friendly, but it’s also much more convenient.

There’s also an alternative to the small plastic bags you usually use to put fruits and vegetables in. If you take one tomato or even a bunch of bananas, you can carry them in your hands. If you have a lot of purchases and need to put them somewhere, you can use fruit bags – special netted bags. You can buy them or try to sew them yourself.

Buy only what you need

A culture of conscious consumption is very important. This applies not only to food, but also to clothing and household items. Here it is worth adhering to the principle of “less but better”. If you shop responsibly, choose quality things and take care of them properly, they will last longer.

And you should not go hungry for food. So you will definitely not give in to the impulse and sweep off the shelves all in a row. In addition, it is better to make a list of everything you need in advance, so that there is definitely no temptation to buy extra.

Try not to throw things away

Do not send unnecessary things immediately to the trash – it is better to turn them in for recycling. Many stores have clothing and shoe recycling centers. If you don’t have one in your town, you can always give your old, though good, things to those in need – many churches and orphanages offer donations.

Consciously consume resources

We are used to always having electricity and water at our disposal. However, these resources are gradually being depleted. Make a habit of not turning on lights unnecessarily. Unplug chargers after use. And when buying new appliances, pay attention to the energy class.

Turn off the water while you brush your teeth. It’s not about bills at all, but a conscious attitude to the irreplaceable resource. You can also install special shower heads and faucets to reduce water consumption.

Use less paper

Don’t throw away sheets of paper that are only written on one side. Regular notes or lists can also be written on drafts. Favor cloth napkins and towels. They can be washed and used many times. Remember that even producing them wastes electricity, wood, and other resources.

Clean up after yourself

This is probably the simplest thing anyone can do for the environment. Don’t throw trash under your feet – walk to the nearest trash can. Clean up after a picnic in nature, leave the place clean. Don’t be lazy, because even a seemingly small thing will contribute to the overall environmental situation.

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