Scientific approach: why drink water with lemon in the morning?

Many people have probably already heard about the magical properties of this easy-to-make drink. But most likely, not everyone knows why the combination of drinking water and lemon juice is so beneficial for the body.

Especially for you we have prepared 5 good reasons why you should start the day with a glass of warm water with lemon.

How much lemon juice should I add to my water? It all depends on your body weight and individual preferences. You can start with a couple of slices, and a little later increase the amount of lemon juice.

Start metabozyme and improve digestion

This is perhaps one of the most important functions that water with lemon performs. In order to improve all the processes that take place in the body with the help of the digestive system, you should drink a glass of water with lemon juice on an empty stomach immediately after waking up, before eating. Doctors recommend doing this also 10-15 minutes before meals.

What is the secret? Lemon juice has a favorable effect on the stomach, helps to eliminate and prevent the symptoms of heartburn, prevents gas in the intestines.

Cleanse the liver

Among other things, it is the tandem “lemon juice + water” has a very favorable effect on the liver. Substances contained in lemon stimulate the release of toxins, and water removes harmful elements and toxins.

Use as a preventive measure

A glass of water with lemon, drunk on an empty stomach, can help people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

What is the secret? Regular consumption of water with lemon juice helps to cleanse the arteries and blood vessels. A useful habit significantly reduces the risk of heart disease.

Drinking water with lemon and lose weight

It would seem, how can water with lemon help in weight loss? However, even here it has found its use. In addition to the fact that the drink helps to start the metabolic process, comprehensively affecting our digestive system, citric acid, contributes to the breakdown of fat.

Isso é interessante: one of the points of many diets is a glass of water with lemon on an empty stomach at the beginning of the day. Such a simple technique promotes fat burning and can increase the effect of the training process several times.

Improve skin condition

Lemon juice has a unique property – the ability to affect the body and remove toxins and toxins from it. Regular consumption of water with lemon is the key to healthy skin, and vitamin C, in turn, helps to achieve the “glow effect”.

Make this ritual a regular habit, and after a week you will see the first positive results!

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