Sports nutrition: 5 of the most popular fitness supplements

Sports nutrition: 5 of the most popular fitness supplements

Anna Burenkova

Anna Burenkova

What are BCAA, L-carnitine, protein, gainer and what do you eat them with?

Following the desire to lose weight, we sometimes rush out of the fire and into the fire. Someone advised us to switch to a sports drink for a hundred percent result, and we rush to the sports nutrition store. Come in – our eyes run wild from the assortment of beautiful jars with bodybuilders on the labels and unseen names. What will do good, and what is money in the wind? “Championship” figured out what the most popular types of sports nutrition are for and how to eat it.

Protein (isolate)

  • What it is: protein, whichis as vital to a person as fats and carbohydrates.
  • What for: accelerates tissue regeneration, reduces harmful cholesterol, strengthens immunity, increases endurance, repairs damage and injuries, promotes effective muscle growth and fat burning.
  • How to use: 2-3 times a day, 30-60 grams depending on your goals and body weight. One hour before training – for muscle growth, after training – for quick recovery and stomach relief. Dilute the powder with water or milk. With an overdose of protein, the consequences for the figure are not promised, but allergies, bloating and diarrhea can happen.
  • What you can combine with: BCAAs will enhance the effect of protein taken before training; gainer will maintain a balance of proteins and carbohydrates for mass gain.
  • Popular manufacturers: Optimum Nutrition, Syntrax, Ultimate Nutrition, Maxler, Red Star Labs.


  • What it is: a supplement consisting of 30% protein and 50-70% carbohydrates + small amounts of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. Good for ectomorphs (thin people), not recommended for athletes prone to obesity.
  • What for: for gaining weight and muscle mass, as well as recovery after exhausting workouts.
  • How to use: 2-3 times every day, if at least an hour before training, the supplement will accelerate muscles, if after, it will work for faster regeneration. After achieving results (mass gain) you can switch to a mixture of gainer and protein. Do not cook the gainer on boiling water, so as not to destroy the protein.
  • What can be combined with: gainer with the help of carbohydrates helps creatine to be better absorbed. Combination with protein helps to keep the balance of protein and carbohydrates. It is allowed to combine with vitamin-mineral and anabolic complexes.
  • Popular manufacturers: Optimum Nutrition, Maxler, Scitec Nutrition, Universal Nutrition, Red Star Labs.


  • What it is: a complex of amino acids necessary for the body – leucine, isoleucine and valine, which are not synthesized by the body itself. You can get them from foods (meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, cheese) or drink special supplements like BCAA.
  • What for: a person needs them to build muscle tissue, rapid recovery after physical exertion. Also, the complex improves health by filling the lack of amino acids. Often drunk during “drying”.
  • How to use: 1-3 times daily 4-8 grams. For example, in the morning, before training to create a reserve, and after to replenish losses. The most convenient form of release is capsules, but there are also powder and tablets (compressed powder).
  • What can be combined with: with all types of sports nutrition. For mass gain, it is recommended to combine with protein/gainer, creatine and anabolic complexes.
  • Popular manufacturers: Ultimate Nutrition, RPS Nutrition, Scitec Nutrition, VP Laboratory.


  • What it is: an acid that improves and speeds up metabolism.
  • What for: increasing endurance, rapid recovery from heavy physical exertion and reducing fatigue. Promotes muscle growth and weight loss with proper exercise and proper nutrition.
  • How to use: before training for 1-1.5 months, after a few weeks the intake can be repeated, but it is not recommended to drink the supplement for more than 6 months. L-carnitine in liquid form is better absorbed than in capsules or powder.
  • What can be combined with: with all types of sports nutrition.
  • Popular manufacturers: GEON, Maxler, VP Laboratory, SAN, Scitec Nutrition.


  • What they are: tablets, capsules and powders to speed up metabolism and break down fat. Three types of fat burners are popular – thermogenics (increase the activity of the athlete), lipotropics (accelerate metabolism) and calorie and nutrient blockers (prevent absorption of carbohydrates/fats from the intestines).
  • What for: help you lose weight and give your body definition.
  • How to use: before meals 1-2 times a day for a month, otherwise it is addictive. Do not drink the product in the evening and before bedtime to avoid insomnia. Without exercise and proper nutrition do not work.
  • With what can be combined: so that the body during hunger does not destroy muscles, it is recommended to combine with protein, BCAA or amino acid complexes. To enhance the fat-burning effect, it is recommended to use with L-carnitine.
  • Popular manufacturers: Nutrex, GEON, Scitec Nutrition, Weider, MusclePharm.

Do not forget that sports nutrition should be taken in conjunction with sports activities and diet. Fat burners, gainers and other supplements rarely work by themselves, and if you use them and sit in the office for days on end, the effect may be the opposite of what you expect. Be careful and carefully study the instructions for use of the drug.

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